Study Skills

Resource Title:
Study Skills

Students’ success in college is influenced by their use of effective study skills. The articles in this section describe how students can improve their study habits. Instructors can refer to this site on their course syllabi or recommend it to students who are having difficulties in their courses.

Newnan Advising Center's Strategies for Success

Strategies for Success site that encompasses study skills and a variety of other strategies to help students succeed academically.

Academic Center for Excellence at University of Illinois at Chicago

Resources on college study strategies, time management and writing tips from the UIC’s Academic Center for Excellence.

Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Better Student

This comprehensive collection of resources for students covers a full range of topics, including participating in class, studying, reading skills, and test taking. Resources are drawn from colleges and universities around the country.

Study Strategies and Resources

Resources on taking notes, reading textbooks, and preparing for exams from University of Wisconsin, Okshkosh.

Resources on general study skills, etc. from Lawrence Technological University

Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!

This lesson is part of Use, Understand & Create: A Digital Literacy Framework for Canadian Schools and helps users to consider the authority, accuracy, objectivity, and currency of web sites in three general areas: authority and accuracy; advocacy and objectivity; and currency and coverage.

Strategies for Online Courses

Specific study strategies for distance learning and online/hybrid courses.

Learning: Your First Job (Leamnson, 2002)

Advice for studying well and being successful in college, written as a letter to undergraduates, from the late Professor Bob Leamnson.

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