Laboratory Course Contacts List

Resource Title:
Laboratory Course Contacts List

Portions adapted from Amy Kao (2008) and edited by Jon Lillemoen, Manager, Research Health & Safety (2013)

The information below is necessary to facilitate good communication between you and your department, other GSIs, and your students. GSI Tip: Be sure to check that all names and numbers are correct if you inherit this list from someone else.


Class Lecture Location/Time:  
Your Lab Location/Time:  
Your Office Hours:  

COURSE CONTACTS (Important for communication between GSIs)

Instructor:   Office Number:  
Phone Number:   Email:  
Office Hours:  
GSI 1:   Office Number:  
Phone Number:   Email:  
Office Hours:  
GSI 2:   Office Number:  
Phone Number:   Email:  
Office Hours:  

CONTACTS FOR EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES (Important if you have a problem during laboratory)

Contact 1/Role (During Lab Hours):  
Phone Number:   Room Number:  
Contact 2/Role (During Lab Hours):  
Phone Number:   Room Number:  
Contact 3/Role (During Lab Hours):  
Phone Number:   Room Number:  

CONTACTS FOR SAFETY  - Always Call 911 for severe trauma or shock

Poison Information Center: 800-222-1222
Environment, Health & Safety (EHS): 734-647-1143
Other departmental safety numbers:  

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