Teaching Styles

Resource Title:
Teaching Styles

Different instructors perceive the classroom environment in different ways. The resources on this page provide guidance for instructors in how to think about their own teaching style and its impact on student learning. Resources include links to teaching surveys and inventories, and suggestions for how to use this information to accommodate the learning needs of their students.

CRLT Occasional Paper #16: Research on Student Notetaking: Implications for Faculty and Graduate Student Instructors (DeZure, Kaplan, & Deerman, 2001)
Reviews what research tells us about the impact of notetaking and how the review of notes affects student learning. The paper also explores the role that instructors play, suggesting several specific strategies to support students.

Reaching the Second Tier: Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education
Strategies for reaching students in the “second tier,” those who have the initial intention and the ability to go on to earn science degrees but instead switch to nonscientific fields.

Teaching Styles Framework (Grasha-Rieachmann)
Anthony Grasha identified five teaching styles as description of prevalent aspects of faculty presence in the classroom, described in this article with advantages/disadvantages of each.

Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI)
The TPI is aimed at helping you collect your thoughts and summarize your ideas about teaching. It can be useful in examining your own teaching as well as helping clarify the teaching views of other people. The TPI is quick to complete online and to automatically score your results. You may also choose to print out a profile sheet to help you visualize and interpret your scores..

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Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/tstrategies/tsts