What's It Like to Be a Postdoctoral Scholar? - Resources

Resource Title:
What's It Like to Be a Postdoctoral Scholar? - Resources

While many postdocs are solely focused on research, there are postdocs which have a teaching component.
Here are examples of these types of postdocs in a variety of disciplines.

Resources from Postdoc Associations & U-M

National Postdoctoral Association
The NPA site offers a job board and many career planning resources, including a great page on mastering the art of mentorship.

University of Michigan Postdoctoral Association
The U-M PDA sponsors events and a job postings board for postdoctoral scholars.

Postdoctoral Short-Course on College Teaching in Science and Engineering
This CRLT short-course prepares advanced postdoctoral scholars in the sciences and engineering to teach effectively as future faculty members.

Office of Postdoctoral Studies, University of Michigan Medical School
Link here to events and resources for U-M postdocs, offered through the Office.

Resources Related to the Sciences and Quantitative Social Sciences

Natelson, D. (2011, June 1). Picking a postdoc postInside Higher Education.

Vick, J.M., & Furlong, J.S. (2007, December 12). Applying for a postdoctoral fellowshipThe Chronicle of Higher Education.
These authors of the Academic Job Search Handbook offer advice for finding and choosing a postdoc.

Pain, E. (2009, July 31). Independent postdocs, part 1: Gaining early autonomy. Science.
Pain, E. (2009, August 21). Independent postdocs, part 2: On-the-ground experiences. Science.
These Science articles offer advice for gaining independence and autonomy in a postdoc position and describe the experiences of postdocs.

Davis, G. (2005, April 28). Planning for a positive postdocNature.
Davis highlights results from a productivity and workplace satisfaction survey of 7,600 postdocs.

Hill, J. W., & Schmid, S. L. (2003, February 13). Moving toward autonomy in a postdocThe Chronicle of Higher Education.
This Chronicle article offers advice for ensuring that a postdoc is a positive experience for you and your advisor.

Gordon, P. (2004, August 20). Postdoc survival skillsThe Chronicle of Higher Education.
Gordon offers tips and advice for postdocs.

Smith, Z., & Sutton-Grier, A. (2010, July 15). Making the most of your postdoc. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
These postdoctoral fellows provide tips on how to have a successful postdoc experience.

Laursen, L. (2009, August 7). The ups and downs of doing a postdoc in Europe. Science
Laursen describes issues related to doing a postdoc in Europe and highlights experiences of postdocs who completed their fellowship abroad. The article also provides links to international postdoc funding opportunities.

Websites for searching for postdocs

Pain, E. (2009, July 31). Independent postdocs: Resources. Science.
Pain lists links to find postdoc positions, grants and fellowships.

http://www.findapostdoc.com/ (Web site dedicated to postdoctoral job opportunities in Europe.)

Resources Related to the Humanities and Humanistic Social Sciences

Brown, R. (2011, August 28). Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities Gain Importance in Career PathsChronicle of Higher Education.

Gravois, J. (2005, March 11). Holding Pattern in the Humanities. Chronicle of Higher Education.

The Professor is in. (2013, May 28). The Postdoc App: How It's Different and Why.

Websites for searching for postdocs


Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/programs/wil-postdocresources