Wrap-up of Step 1

Let's return to the questions from the workshop introduction. Have your ideas about these questions evolved over the course of this workshop? 

Student Background

  • Who are your students?
  • Where are they coming from?
  • What do they already know?


  • What might they be worried about?
  • What are their short-term goals? Long-term?


  • What will help them be successful in your class?
  • What will they accomplish in your class? What will they be proud of?
  • What will your class enable them to do next?

Moving on to Step 2

In Step 2, you will select one or more strategies from Step 1 and write a bit more about how you might apply them in your teaching. Here's the specific prompt for your reflection in Step 2: 

  1. Discuss the value of considering the three major topics of the workshop - student background, motivation, and mastery - for teaching in your discipline. For example, you might describe how a consideration of these factors could improve learning outcomes or enhance the experience of students or instructors.
  2. Select two strategies from Step 1 and explain how you can use them in your current or future teaching.  Your explanation should include:
    • a class context in which you will implement these strategies  (keeping in mind your readers will come from diverse disciplinary backgrounds);
    • the reason you chose these particular strategies and how they will help your students learn;
    • how you will implement them in your teaching; and
    • what challenges might you encounter in implementing these strategies and what questions do you still have?

Ready to write? Here's the form to post your response

Flow Chart from introduction-> student background -> motivation ->mastery -> reflection -> respond -> survey

Next Section

Click to go to the next section: Post your response

Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/olws/5/application