Academic Job Hiring Process
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From Interview to Job: The Hiring Process for Academic Jobs
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Going on the academic job market? Find out what to expect when you do. Resources below include an overview from U-M's Career Center, as well as links that provide details on the steps of a typical search and offer strategies for success at each one.
When to go on the academic job market
Job announcement
These are generally posted by national disciplinary organizations as well as higher education publications such as The Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed.
Resource: Where to find job postings
Resource: Screencast: Higher Education Search
Submission of materials
Prospective employers will ask for a cover letter and c.v. at a minimum. They may also request any number of additional materials: e.g., a teaching philosophy statement, a teaching portfolio, sample syllabi, a writing sample.
Second round of requests: Often, a subset of candidates will be asked for additional materials: e.g., a dossier of letters of recommendation, a (second) writing sample, fuller teaching materials.
Resource: Picking Apart Your Application from The Chronicle of Higher Education
Resource: Preparing your job materials
Review of materials by search committee
Four to six members of the search committee will review dozens of applications for every job posting. This committee sometimes presents its findings to the faculty for a decision on who to bring in for interviews.
Resource: What Search Committees Wish You Knew
Initial interviews
Depending on an institutionâs budget, schedule, and hiring process, these can take several forms. Some begin with videoconferencing or a telephone screening interview. Many hold initial interviews at a national professional meeting -- often in hotel rooms, or in a large ballroom containing many small tables. These generally last 30-45 minutes.
Often invitations for these interviews will come only a short time before the scheduled meeting because the committeeâs review of materials and deliberations can take considerable time.
Resource: Interviewing remotely
On-campus interviews
This will generally last one or two days, including lots of meetings and meals with faculty, administrators, and possibly students as well as public presentations.
Depending on the institution and position, candidates may be asked to offer a research talk, a sample class, a presentation about teaching, or some combination of these.
Resource: Preparing for a campus interview
Selection process
This will often include many people beyond the search committee -- sometimes a whole department, often a department executive committee as well as relevant deans.
Job offers and negotiation
Resource: Negotiating a Job Offer
Start your new job
Resource: Thriving In Your Academic Job
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