Making the Most of Your Time
How do you manage your time and resources effectively in the academy? Whether you're starting your graduate career, writing your dissertation, or starting your faculty research career, academics need to learn how to manage their time wisely. The resources on this page will be helpful to graduate students, postdocs, and faculty alike.
Resources: Productivity
Productivity Handout. This collection from a 2015 PFF workshop on productivity presents multiple web resources on productivity.
Best of Grad Hacker: Productivity. More resources from Grad Hacker on how to maintain productivity in graduate school.
Lifehacker's Best Productivity Tips. From the people who live and breathe productivity, here are their favorite tools and techniques.
Resources: Transition to Faculty Jobs
From Graduate Student to Faculty Member. Advice from two new faculty members on how to make the transition as smoothly as possible.
Advice For New Faculty Members. Robert Boice's classic book describing research on faculty "quick starters" provides excellent advice for new faculty or anyone who wants to accomplish more in their academic career. Available from the U-M Library.
The Black Academic's Guide to Winning Tenure -- Without Losing Your Soul. This book by Kerry Ann Rockquemore and Tracey Laszloffly is cited by many as an indispensable guide for all. Available from the U-M Library.
Selected Readings: The Academic Job Search and New Faculty Success. This pdf contains a comprehensive list of print resources on finding and keeping an academic job.
Starting and Running Your Faculty Research Agenda in the Humanities and Non-Lab Social Sciences. This video from this 2013 PFF panel will help you "hit the ground runningâ at a new institution. Panelists offer advice to those in the humanities and non-lab social sciences on transitioning to new projects after the dissertation, pursuing funding and collaboration opportunities, and balancing multiple demands.
- Deborah Meizlish, Assistant Director, CRLT (Moderator)
- Irfan Nooruddin, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ohio State University
- Rebecca Sestili, Author-Publisher Liaison, Provostâs Office, U-M
- Megan Sweeney, Associate Professor of English Language and Literature & Afroamerican and African Studies, U-M
Starting and Running Your Faculty Research Lab. The slides and video from this 2013 PFF panel will help you "hit the ground runningâ at a new institution. Panelists offer advice to those starting a research lab on transitioning to new projects after the dissertation, recruiting and mentoring students in your lab, and balancing multiple demands.
- Amber Smith, Instructional Consultant, CRLT (Facilitator)
- Amar Basu, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University
- Anne Casper, Assistant Professor of Biology, Eastern Michigan University
- L. Monique Ward, Thurnau Professor of Psychology, U-M