Hybrid Engaged Kinesiology Courses
Can hybrid modular courses increase the quality of student learning?
Students must have the ability to communicate with many audiences and to utilize varied formats and styles that will most effectively convey their messages. They must appreciate and leverage diverse contributions to a task, and know how to cooperate with others towards common purposes.
Can hybrid modular courses increase the quality of student learning?
19 items measuring 3 factors:
Cost: Free"
24 items loaded onto 3 factors:
Survey items have been validated
Cost: Free
Note: developed for health care fields, but adaptable other disciplines
Cost: $312.80 for 10 tests/1 Manual + fees
Made up of 6 distinct rubrics measuring:
Cost: Free
Note: developed for health care fields, but adaptable to other disciplines
Performance descriptors include:
Cost: Free"
This is most often used in team-based classroom assignments. Given 100 points to divide among team members, students assign each team member a score based on the extent to which they believe their teammates contributed to the overall team performance. An individual student’s grade is then based on their average peer ratings, multiplied by the group score.
Students rate their team as a whole for how frequently they display certain behaviors, using a 32-item questionnaire.
Score system ranges from 1 (almost never) to 5 (almost always). Sample items include:
Cost: Free
Full version: 87 items
Short version: 33 items
Items load onto five factors:
Cost: Free; must request free account