Leah Robinson
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Students should develop an understanding of the human, social and environmental impacts of actions, and develop the ethical reasoning tools to make sustainable and responsible decisions; and they must develop their ability to hold and reason across the perspectives of multiple stakeholders.
22-item self-report scale regarding students attitudes about responsibility to others
See Table 3 for scale items
65-item self-report scale regarding students’ self-reported civic skills, attitudes and action plans.
5 vignettes of ethical dilemmas each with 12 items of various relevant considerations for indicating degree of importance on a 5-point response scale
33-item test on concepts of significance in United States government and history
Students answer a standardized four-question protocol in response to a researcher-generated issue. Responses are coded on two dimensions of problem-solving. Locus is two items and uses a 7-point scale based on the extent to which problem is defined to be individual or global. Complexity is two items and uses a 4-point scale to assess the number of problems and degree of elaboration in explaining them.
7-item rubric for coding written work on a 6-point scale using evidence of critical and integrative thinking.
Students may self-evaluate through reflective practice: