ES 2018 Lightning Talks: Digital Pedagogy Innovations and Workshop

Have you been thinking about integrating digital technologies, social media, or other kinds of pedagogical initiatives using digital platforms into a new or existing course? Would you like to learn about innovations in classroom projects in a peer-facilitated setting? In this session, doctoral students in the humanities will deliver 8-minute lightning talks on their pedagogical innovations. Participants will also interact with presenters and explore key ideas in break-out sessions after the lightning talks.

Participation in the entirety of this workshop can count toward Requirement ā€˜B2ā€™ of the Graduate Teacher Certificate (GTC) or Requirement ā€˜Gā€™ of the Graduate Teacher Plus Certificate in Digital Media (GTC+).

Event Information
Location (Room):
Gallery Lab, 100 Hatcher Graduate Library
Tazin Daniels
Assistant Director
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology
The registration for this event is closed

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