Backward Course Design: Planning Your Course with the End in Mind (An Online Workshop)

Ever been frustratingly lost because you didn't know where you were going? Similarly, it can be frustrating and challenging for students and instructors to succeed in a course if the outcomes are not clear from the beginning. In this workshop, you will be introduced to the course planning approach known as "backward course design." In the first week, you will be introduced to the three stages of backward course design. You will then have an opportunity to reflect on the goals for a course of your own, including an opportunity to receive feedback on your course goals. In the second week, you will use your course goals to guide the last two stages of course planning. By the end of this workshop you should have an organized course plan, as well as a course planning tool that can be applied to any course to better organize your teaching.

Event Information
Stephanie Kusano
Assessment Specialist
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Requirement B2
The registration for this event is closed

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