Society for Photographic Education annual conference

Society for Photographic Education annual conference

Academic Year:
2018 - 2019 (June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
This proposal seeks funding to support my attendance at the Society for Photographic Education (SPE) annual conference in March 2019. SPE is the largest and most prominent organization dedicated specifically to photographic education. I am presenting at this conference on my research and teaching practice emanating from a socially engaged photography course and accompanying prison workshops. I developed and taught this course over the past three years, and will be presenting on the course itself, socially engaged collaboration in an academic setting, and the images resulting from past workshops.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The primary objective was to attend the annual conference for the Society for Photographic Education where I was to present on my research and teaching in a class that takes students into prison every week to collaborate with a group of men incarcerated at that facility. I also wanted to get portfolio feedback on the photography generated by this collaboration through both informal and formal portfolio reviews that take place as part of the conference programming.

Project Achievements:

My presentation and portfolio reviews were very well received and resulted in numerous contacts with others working in this type of socially engaged art, and those interested in displaying work of this nature.

I teach this course every year and continue to adapt and improve the course. I also continue to find opportunities to exhibit the work produced by this collaboration as a means to disseminate this work, both into academic communities, and the broader public. Work will be displayed at local public libraries over the coming year. Specific opportunities that have already resulted from my participation at this conference are the inclusion of work in an exhibition at Arizona State University this fall, and a research presentation at a regional photography conference this fall. I am also exploring possible exhibition opportunities in Grand Rapids, MI that resulted from this conference.
The conference presentation itself provided broad dissemination of my work to photographers, photography educators, and photography historians. As a result of this grant, I will also be presenting this material in California at a regional conference later this year.

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