Participation at the 2018 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Langauges (ACTFL) Conference

Participation at the 2018 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Langauges (ACTFL) Conference

Academic Year:
2018 - 2019 (June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
This proposal seeks funding to present the following methodology that I have been developing and using in the beginning level French courses over the past year. Receiving feedback from attendees as well as connecting with new colleagues from other institutions will help to strengthen this and other assignments used in the courses that I coordinate.

Using Technology to Promote Real Language Use in Authentic Situations

Traditionally, students' speaking proficiency is assessed at the presenter's institution through an end-of-semester conversation in front of the instructor with a partner from their own class section. This leads to inauthentic conversations, as students know one another and can practice. This poster highlights the use of a program, Bluejeans, to pair students from different sections and record their conversation. Since students do not have any information on their partner before the conversation and recording begins the instant both students enter the virtual classroom, students are held responsible for meeting and finding commonalities exclusively in the target language. Initial feedback from students after the pilot semester was that they will remember this experience above all others in their first semester French course, as it showed them what they had accomplished. Additionally, not having the instructor present at the time of recording promoted natural and real conversation.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The primary objective of the project was to present my work on an innovative way of assessing students' oral proficiency in French through the use of technology at ACTFL. Additionally, I sought to update my knowledge of current teaching practices as well as to network with others in the field.

Project Achievements:

The presentation was very well-received and there was a lot of interest in collaborating on refining this type of assessment for different audiences (K-12, as well as other universities). I was also able to attend a number of other sessions, learning about innovative takes on assessments, grading, new technologies, and project-based learning.

I will continue to use and refine this assessment as well as explore other ways in which Bluejeans may be used to connect students and create community across our sections of language courses.
Beyond presenting at ACTFL, I plan to continue working with instructors and support staff (particularly with the Language Resource Center) who are interested in using this technology in the language classroom. The French 232 sections are piloting using this technology in a similar way this semester. Finally, I remain open as a resource for colleagues from other institutions to reach out about this assessment.

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