Attendance at SIGCSE 2019 Conference

Attendance at SIGCSE 2019 Conference

Academic Year:
2018 - 2019 (June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
This grant will be used for attending the SIGCSE 2019 conference, the premier computer science education research conference. As a lecturer for one of the University of Michigan's large introductory computer science courses, the research-based teaching methods I will bring back from the sessions and the ideas I will exchange with computer science instructors from our peer institutions have the potential to impact a significant fraction of University of Michigan students.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

This project funded attendance at SIGCSE 2019, the major yearly conference in computer science education. The conference includes research papers, experience reports, and opportunities to connect with teaching-track faculty in computer science at other institutions.

Project Achievements:

Outside of the paper sessions, I was able to connect with colleagues at different institutions to share best practices in teaching. Some notable conversations I had were about how to support group work and student collaboration in computer science courses and about how to give the most helpful feedback to students when using automatic systems to grade programming assignments. I am planning to incorporate more structure to the group work assignments and guide the development of the automatic grading system we use at Michigan to include these new insights.

I am a member of the Special Interest Group which organizes this conference and will continue contributing to this part of the computer science education community through participating in research and reviewing papers.
Many of the insights I and and the other computer science lecturers who attended this year's SIGCSE have been incorporated in our teaching, which we have coordinated through co-teaching courses that include these best practices as well as discussions during our lecturer meetings.

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