USITT Conference Attendance

USITT Conference Attendance

Academic Year:
2018 - 2019 (June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
The USITT conference is where leadership in educational and professional stage management meets annually to discuss and demonstrate best practices in stage management and the teaching and training of stage management. Though we have a nationally recognized undergraduate stage management program here at UM, which I’ve lead and overseen for 23 years, we have not been involved with the national community. My recent appointment change to full-time clinical faculty will now allow me to fully and physically engage with and learn from the leaders in my field, ultimately becoming one of them. The first step is attending this year’s conference, where I can engage in several continuing education opportunities and meet and engage with the community leaders, members and stakeholders.

My goals for attending the conference are to:
1) Increase my understanding of new ideas, technologies, and products in stage management.
2) Brainstorm with other educators about current course content.
3) Brainstorm with other educators about best practices in teaching and mentoring.
4) Attend Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion workshops presented by the education arm of the organization.
5) Network with other professionals and educators to make connections that will benefit current students and alumni seeking summer and post-graduation employment.
6) Create more understanding nationally about our programming at UM.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

1) Increase my understanding of new ideas, technologies, and products in stage management. 2) Brainstorm with other educators about current course content. 3) Brainstorm with other educators about recommended practices in teaching and mentoring. 4) Attend Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion workshops presented by the education arm of the organization. 5) Network with other professionals and educators to make connections that will benefit current students and alumni seeking summer and post-graduation employment. 6) Create more understanding nationally about our programming at UM.

Project Achievements:

Most of my conference attendance goals were met. By attending informational, educational, and discussion sessions, I gained new and affirmed current content for my classrooms. I attended several sessions regarding diversity, equity and inclusion which has increased my awareness and understanding of ideas, possible action, language, vocabulary and culture. Networking with key leaders in the industry occurred and awareness of the programming and excellence at UM was increased. I was introduced to new technologies to which students should be introduced. All of this will directly benefit students in class, activity, mentorship, and advising settings as well as students seeking summer and post-graduation employment.

The project is contained to conference attendance, but the impact of attendance will be far reaching.
New content and understandings will be disseminated to appropriate colleagues through discussion, report submission, and email threads.
Advice to your Colleagues:

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