Enriching Scholarship 2019 Opening Keynote & Poster Fair

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9:00am-10:00am: Poster Fair and Strolling Breakfast

The poster fair highlights the work of the five recipients of the 2019 Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize (TIP) and the CRLT Faculty Development Fund and Whitaker Fund grant recipients. The event provides an opportunity for the campus community to learn more about innovative teaching strategies and to discuss findings from research on teaching and learning.

10:00am-10:30am: Opening Remarks and Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize Awards

10:30am-11:50am: Keynote Address

Metacognition: The Key to Equity and Excellence for All Students!

21st Century students come to college with widely varying academic skills and motivation levels. Most students expend very little energy attempting to learn and rely on memorizing information just before examinations. This interactive workshop will help attendees understand why many students expend very little energy on learning and have difficulty achieving student learning outcomes. Cognitive science research based methods that can be used to facilitate conceptual, transferable learning will be discussed. The session will present specific learning strategies that have resulted in significant increases in student effort and improvement in student learning in undergraduate, graduate, and professional school environments.

About Our Keynote Speaker:

Dr. Saundra McGuire is the Director Emerita of the Center for Academic Success and Retired Professor of Chemistry at Louisiana State University. She is an internationally renowned expert in the area of learning support and is the author of Teach Students How to Learn and Teach Yourself How to Learn.

Event Information
Location (Room):
Michigan League - Ballroom
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Not eligible for Certificate
The registration for this event is closed

Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/event/105560