Developing Your Teaching Philosophy (An Online Workshop)

Many academic employers require a teaching philosophy statement as part of the application process. In this online workshop, you will learn about research on hiring committees’ use of teaching philosophy statements, examine sample philosophies, and work through activities designed to help you start writing or effectively revise your own statement. 

The workshop activities are designed to take 2-3 hours to complete, and much of that time will be spent working on your own statement and responding to others' statements. The workshop will take place in Canvas and will run from September 9 through September 23. You should receive an invitation to the Canvas site on Sunday, September 8. If you do not receive an invitation by Monday, September 9, please check your spam folder first and then email us at [email protected].

Four activities are required to complete the online workshop. The four steps and the timeline for them are detailed below. We'll send you reminder emails along the way so you don't miss any steps.

1. Begin with the introduction to the workshop. Then engage with the major topics of the workshop through readings and short written responses. 

2. Draft key portions of your statement of teaching philosophy using a detailed prompt.

3. Comment on at least three drafts written by other participants. 

4. Complete a survey about your experience with the online workshop. 

Steps 1 and 2 must be completed between Monday, 9/9 and Sunday, 9/15.
Step 3 must be completed between Monday, 9/16 and Friday, 9/20.
Step 4 must be completed by Monday, 9/23.

We also offer the same information in a face-to-face session that will be held from 3:00pm-5:00pm on 9/26. Information about the face-to-face session can be accessed by clicking here.

Event Information
Deborah Meizlish
Graduate Students
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Not eligible for Certificate
The registration for this event is closed

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