Strategies for Leading Office Hours in Engineering Courses

Session Format: Remote synchronous (Zoom)

Intended Audience: Graduate Students, UG Instructional Assistants

Facilitator(s): Engineering Teaching Consultants

Session Abstract: Office Hours for any course provide crucial, one-on-one or small group, settings for students to get help with course concerns, from homework, to reviewing course content, and discussing grades. Setting the tone for Office Hours at the start of the semester can help both instructors and students get the most out of their time together. In this workshop, you will learn about how to set up Office Hours as well as get practice supporting students in developing problem-solving skills. You will also have the chance to brainstorm solutions to concerns you have about the engineering Office Hours you have already held.

GTC eligible? Yes - B2

Event Information
Location (Room):
Remote Event
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Requirement B2
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