U-M Resources for Learning Analytics Projects: Grants and Fellows Program

This session will feature a discussion with Learning Analytics Task Force members about the Exploring Learning Analytics Grant ($30-$150K) request for proposals and the Winter 2013 Learning Analytics Fellows Program application.

Please bring your preliminary grant proposal ideas to the session, and send advance questions or topics you would like addressed to Google Moderator: http://goo.gl/mod/sPXc (Exploring Learning Analytics Grants series).

At this Google Moderator series, you will see several possible topics listed on the left. Choose one or add a new topic. Within each topic, you can add your question/idea by clicking "Suggest a question" or vote for an existing question by clicking the checkmark button. For questions about Google Moderator, please click here or email Mary Wright at [email protected].

For more information about learning analytics at U-M and to view videos and slides from the 2012-2013 SLAM series, click here.

For information about the 2011-12 Symposium on Learning Analytics at Michigan, click here.

Event Materials
Event Information
Location (Room):
CRLT Seminar Room (1013 Palmer Commons)
Learning Analytics
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Not eligible for Certificate
The registration for this event is closed

Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/event/590