Student Learning and Analytics at Michigan (SLAM) - High Return on Faculty Investment: Addressing Diverse Student Needs in Large Lectures Through Screencasting

Joanna Mirecki Millunchick, U-M Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, will discuss her learning analytics research on screencasting in her materials science class, MSE 220. Because the course draws students with widely varying degrees of background knowledge about course concepts, Professor Millunchick developed screencasts to offer diverse students opportunities to review lecture topics and learn at a pace appropriate to their needs. This session will describe the screencasts and learning analytics research about them. This project was awarded a 2012 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize.

Please note that this SLAM will be held on North Campus at the Robert H. Lurie Engineering Center's Johnson Rooms (3rd Floor). Lunch will be provided. 

Sponsored by the Provost's Task Force on Learning Analytics, the Student Learning and Analytics at Michigan (SLAM) Seminar is a year-long speaker series. For more information about learning analytics at U-M and to view videos and slides from the 2012-2013 SLAM series, click here.

For information about the 2011-12 Symposium on Learning Analytics at Michigan series, click here.

Event Materials
Event Information
Location (Room):
Johnson Rooms, 3rd Floor, Lurie Engineering Center (North Campus)
Dr. Joanna
Professor of
U-M College
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Not eligible for Certificate
The registration for this event is closed

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