Lecturers' Professional Development Fund (LPDF)
Lecturers' Professional Development Fund (LPDF)
Request for Proposals
In order to acknowledge the many contributions of Lecturers and to provide them with access to funds beyond those ordinarily available, CRLT is soliciting proposals for the Lecturersâ Professional Development Fund (LPDF). Grants of up to $2,000 each will be awarded for professional development activities that involve teaching, research, and/or creative endeavors. Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. Awards will be announced in November, 2024.
Faculty with continuing appointments as Lecturers on the University of Michigan Ann Arbor campus are eligible to apply. Visiting Lecturers, Adjunct Lecturers, and Lecturers whose appointments cannot be renewed are not eligible for this competition. Please note that individuals apply for this grant competition; pairs or groups of applicants are not eligible. Applicants who have received Lecturersâ Professional Development Fund grants in the past may seek support for new proposals. If a choice must be made between projects of equal merit, priority will be given to the proposal submitted by an applicant who has not received funds during the previous academic year.
Lecturers who are eligible for the Lecturers' Professional Development Fund (LPDF) are also eligible for the Professional Development Fund for LEO Lecturers (PDFLL). Please note that the LPDF and PDFLL differ in the amount of funding, guidelines for eligible submissions, submission deadlines, and application process.
Use of Grant Funds
Grants of up to $2,000 each will be awarded for professional development activities that involve teaching, research, and/or creative endeavors. Examples of appropriate expenditures include participation at national or international professional meetings and pedagogical programs, graduate student or work study assistance, computer hardware or software, travel required to access resources of other institutions, subscriptions to professional journals, and editorial assistance. Funding may not be used for course work in pursuit of a degree or to reimburse costs already incurred.
Funding Period
The period of funding will vary according to the nature of the proposal, but is limited to one year. The proposed activities cannot begin until November 15, 2024 and must be completed by December 31, 2025.
All grant funds must be spent by December 31, 2025. Grantees are responsible for working with their departmental budget managers to ensure grant funding is spent within the project timeline and in accordance with the UM policies and procedures. All unspent funds should be returned to the Office of the Provost upon project completion.
Application Process and Submission Procedure
All proposals are submitted electronically online and should follow the format shown in the proposal template below. All proposals must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.
To apply, download the LPDF proposal template below. Once youâve completed your proposal, please save it as a single PDF file using the following naming convention: LastName_GrantType_Year.pdf (e.g., Smith_LPDF_2024.pdf).
Send your complete proposal (in PDF file format) to your chairperson or dean, who should complete the appointment verification section in the proposal cover sheet verifying that the proposal is being submitted by a Lecturer who (1) has a continuing appointment on the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan; and (2) is likely to be reappointed beyond the current academic year.
Download LPDF Proposal Template
To submit a proposal:
- Click the Submit Application button at the top of this page.
- Fill out the web form (to preview the form, click the Submit Application button).
- Upload your complete proposal, including signed appointment verification, as a single PDF file using the following naming convention: LastName_GrantType_Year.pdf (e.g., Smith_LPDF_2024.pdf).
Proposal Checklist
Applicants should prepare a proposal, using the LPDF proposal template, that includes the following items:
- Cover Sheet:
- Provide information about the proposal applicant and the proposed project.
- Obtain chair or dean signature in the appointment verification section.
- Project Overview (250 words max): Provide an overview/abstract of your project for a non-specialist audience. You will also submit this electronically on the application webform. This overview will be made public on the CRLT website if your proposal is funded.
- Project Narrative(1,000 words max): The project narrative should include a description of the professional development activity and a discussion of how receipt of a Lecturers' Professional Development Fund grant will further the lecturer's scholarship and teaching.
- Budget Information:
- Provide the total amount requested and a budget breakdown.
- Provide a clear and brief justification for all proposed expenditures and how each will help to achieve the project goals.
- See additional information about eligible expenses and justification in the budget information section of the proposal template.
- Abbreviated C.V. (1 page): Provide a condensed vita highlighting applicantâs teaching, research and/or creative endeavors.
- Letter(s) of Support (optional)
- Evidence of sufficient institutional support (e.g., a letter from supervisor, chair, dean, relevant colleagues, etc.) for applicantâs ability to undertake the project and its potential contribution to the Universityâs missions of teaching and research.
- Appointment Verification:
- Send your complete proposal (in PDF file format) to your chairperson or dean, who should complete the appointment verification section in the proposal cover sheet verifying that the proposal is being submitted by a Lecturer who (1) has a continuing appointment on the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan; and (2) is likely to be reappointed beyond the current academic year.
Proposal Review Criteria and Evaluation Process
All Lecturers' Professional Development Fund applications are reviewed and ranked by a panel of experienced lecturers from multiple disciplines, and selections will be based on the potential contribution to the Universityâs missions of teaching and research. The final funding decision will be made by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Funds are limited, and LPDF proposals will be awarded in a competitive process. Each proposal will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Is the proposal complete and in the proper format?
- Are the goals of the project clear and well supported?
- In what ways and to what extent will the proposed activities contribute to the professional development of the lecturer?
- Does the applicant have the necessary background and expertise to complete the project?
- Is the funding request appropriate to the scope of the project?
Reporting Requirements
All recipients are required to submit a brief webform summary of the grant activities within three months of the projectâs completion. Click here to download the Final Project Report Guidelines. These reports will be publicly displayed on the CRLT Grants Reporting website so that others can learn about your project, its impact, and lessons learned.
Questions and Consultations
Please contact CRLT at (734) 764-0505 or [email protected] if you have questions about the grant or the application process. CRLT staff are available to consult with grant applicants as they prepare proposals. You may also contact us if you have issues submitting your proposal to the CRLT website.
Lecturers' Professional Development Fund Recipients, 2023
- Meredith Bricker, English Language Institute, LSA
- Integrating the use of Generative AI into Language Research Teaching
- Jeremiah Chamberlin, English Language and Literature, LSA
- Participation in the 2024 Koprivshtitsa Literary Conference and the Capital Literature Festival
- Kim Diver, SEAS and Program in the Environment (PitE), LSA
- Attendance at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting
- Deborah Forger, Middle East Studies and Judaic Studies, LSA
- The Knowing Body: God's Forms in Jewish Antiquity
- Elizabeth Goodenough, Residential College, LSA
- What the Presidents Read
- Scott Larson, American Culture, LSA
- Manuscript Workshop for TransFormed: How Religion Changed Sex in Early America
- Vincent Longo, Film, Television, and Media, LSA
- A Hard Act to Follow: The Hollywood Studio System in the Wake of Vaudeville
- Robert Rayher, Film, Television, and Media, LSA
- Cinematography Pedagogy Support
- Diana Seales, Social Work
- Activating Change through Empowering Communities and Classrooms
- Katie Snyder, Technical Communication, Engineering; Comprehensive Studies, LSA
- Conference Presentation: Integrating XR Technologies to Teach First-Year Engineers Socially-Engaged Design
- David Stone, Classical Studies, LSA
- Research and Course Upgrades at Pompeii
- Greta Uehling, International and Comparative Studies, LSA
- Attending the Decolonization across Time, Place, and Field Conference