"What is History? Thinking Through the Past"

"What is History? Thinking Through the Past"

Academic Year:
2011 - 2012 (June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
I am applying for the CRLT Instructional Development Fund Grant to help purchase books for a new course I am developing, titled "What is History? Thinking Through the Past." I will pilot this course as a small upper-level seminar (History 397/CICS 401) in Winter 2012, in preparation for co-teaching it as a large introductory lecture—History 101, a new department gateway course—the following Fall and in subsequent years.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

I am applying for the CRLT Instructional Development Fund Grant to help purchase books for a new course I am developing, titled “What is History? Thinking Through the Past.” I will pilot this course as a small upper-level seminar (History 397/CICS 401) in Winter 2012, in preparation for co-teaching it as a large introductory lecture—History 101, a new department gateway course—the following Fall and in subsequent years. I applied for money to help defray the cost of the books I needed for my own background reading and as assigned readings.

Project Achievements:

The course was successfully piloted at the upper level. I have been co-teaching it as History 101 these past 3 academic years as a 130+ person lecture course, using many of the same readings.

Yes; see above.
Recently presented to the History faculty our syllabus and strategies for H101.

Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/node/85667