Application for Professional Development Funding to attend ASEE 2013

Application for Professional Development Funding to attend ASEE 2013

Academic Year:
2012 - 2013 (June 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
Receipt of a grant from CRLT will allow me to attend the conference and co-present our project,which surveyed first-year engineering students on their evolving levels of motivation. Wespecifically looked at how types of motivation (including self-efficacy and feeling of belonging)differ by gender and according to a student's course experiences. This project helps me both in my roles as aspiring researcher of engineering education and as instructor of first yearengineering students (I typically co-teach three sections of "Introduction to Engineering," arequired course, each year). Findings from the survey could be used to develop first-yearcurricula, and they have implications for pedagogical decisions instructors make in their courses,such as whether to emphasize hands-on components of the project and how to construct teams.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

1. Present my own project, and get feedback on it. 2. Learn from others' presentations, getting ideas that I could work into my own courses. 3. Increase my motivation to update pedagogy.

Project Achievements:

1. Lorelle Meadows and I presented our project. It was well-received, and we got some good feedback on the study. 2. I got some great ideas of things to consider for my own courses. I used materials from other presenters to update my teamwork teaching, and I modified the framing of my feedback some based on the ideas. 3. I left with a lot of motivation to work on updating my pedagogy. I spent significant time (unpaid) in the summer improving my courses-- and I think ASEE gave me the motivation I needed to do this.

Kind of-- I'm continually considering, re-considering, updating my pedagogy...
Haven't really been. I considered sharing some materials with colleagues, and mentioned it at a faculty meeting. Next year (I'm attending again in 2014), perhaps I'll assemble materials and send them out even if they aren't requested.

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