Visiting host companies and students who participate in Summer Internship Program in Germany 2013

Visiting host companies and students who participate in Summer Internship Program in Germany 2013

Academic Year:
2012 - 2013 (June 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
As internship coordinator of our Summer Internship Program, I act as liaison with our host companies in Germany, and I place 20-30 students in professional internships each year. While I am able to work very closely with the students here on campus, it is also helpful to build closer relationships with our host companies and partners in Germany. Therefore, I would like to visit a select number of companies in the summer.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

By visiting select host companies in Germany, I intended (a) to build personal ties with key people in HR, (b) to get a better picture of the companies’ product line or the organizations’ mission, (c) to meet with our students in Germany and to get first-hand feedback about their internship, (d) to learn about current business standards that could help me revise the pre-departure orientation workshop.

Project Achievements:

I visited 11 companies and met with over 10 U-M students at their internship locations throughout Germany. I received valuable insight into each company’s location, size, products, services, and work climate through meetings, short presentations, plant tours and over lunch/dinner with company representatives. This has been proven to be extremely useful in the internship placement efforts this year and students’ advising in preparation of their travels. I also value the visits as a means of “quality control”: I was able to confirm on-site that the companies provide very good internship experiences, interesting projects, and are very involved in mentoring and guiding our student interns. I also received very positive feedback about the quality of our students’ work and was able to strengten the cooperation on many levels. The visits and meetings resulted in 11 internship placements this summer (2014) at the companies that I visited (a total of 27 students is currently interning in Germany).

Yes, the internship program is continuing (27 students in 2014) and I hope to be able to do another company visit tour in the next year.
- through personal conversations with the German concentration advisor - submitted a written report with detailed information about each visit to Cultural Vistas, our partner organization for this program
Advice to your Colleagues:

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