Paper Presentation at a Professional Conference (SCS)

Paper Presentation at a Professional Conference (SCS)

Academic Year:
2014 - 2015 (June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
Travel to the annual convention of the Society for Classical Studies (aka APA) held in New Orleans, LA Jan 8-11, 2015 to give a paper entitled "Dialectic as autopsia: a lesson in Neoplatonic rationality" as part of a panel on The Greeks and the Irrational. In the paper, I discuss a fragment from Damascius' Philosophical history which captures a unique teaching moment from Late Antiquity (5AD). The philosopher Isidore triggered a life-changing transformation in the mind of the obscure Dorus from Arabia, who was a learned Aristotelian. Isidore revealed to him aspects of dialectic, which were until then unknown to Dorus. I will argue that despite the fact that Neoplatonism since the work of Dodds (The Greeks and the Irrational) had become heavily associated with the ‘irrational', late antique Neoplatonist philosophers themselves viewed their teaching activity as the pinnacle of rationality both in content and approach. The term describing Isidore's teaching of dialectic in this fragment is autopsia, a scientific term for disinterested objectivity that researchers since Herodotus had used to distinguish their empirical and data-based methodology from hearsay and myth.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

To use a little known 6th century fragment describing a teaching moment in a philosophical school in order to: 1. understand the pedagogical methods used in antiquity better; 2. bring out the contemporary relevance of this ancient fragment that captures a moment in time when the sciences and the humanities were perceived as one seamless unity.

Project Achievements:

As a result of my presentation of the project before colleagues, I received invaluable feedback, pointers to additional sources and bibliography. I came to know other scholars who work on similar topics and these contact will help me grow further professionally in the future. My teaching will be continuously enriched from these insights not just during the current semester, but in the long term as well. So even though I am citing the number of students that are impacted by the project his term, it is really not possible to count all students in the future who will benefit from my increased expertise as a result of my work on this project.

Yes, I will work on publishing the project in the near future
I am planning to publish an article on the topic.

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