Using the Coach's Eye + Teams application as a tool to provide enhanced conducting video analysis in CONDUCT 315/316 courses.

Using the Coach's Eye + Teams application as a tool to provide enhanced conducting video analysis in CONDUCT 315/316 courses.

Academic Year:
2015 - 2016 (June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
Video analysis is crucial to sound conducting pedagogy. Traditional methods of video analysis have been to meet with each student in a class individually, often outside of class time, and watch the video collectively. The primary takeaway is what the student remembers or has written down. With the Coach's Eye application, video analysis has been taken to a whole new level. This application allows me to capture high frame rate HD video recording, provide precise video review with slow motion playback, side-by-side comparison, audio voice over, video telestration tools, and send students video, allowing them to watch the streamed, analyzed video on their own time as often as they like. Coach's Eye has created a new form of the application called "Coach's Eye + Teams." The use of this application in a formal academic setting will be the first of it's kind. This new application allows the same video analysis and dissemination as before, but it is much less time consuming to upload video, contains more storage, and even better, students can now take their own videos and send them to me outside of class time. Instead of taking class time to take a recorded exercise test, they can record the exercise on their own and send it to me. This allows for more instruction time. The flexibility afforded by this video analysis tool will greatly enhance instruction and learning. This grant will allow each student to use the application for one full year.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:
Through use of the Coach’s Eye + TEAMS application, students will receive high definition, analyzed videos of their conducting performances, but in a much less time consuming method. Students will also upload their own videos of conducting exercises/assignments with this application, allowing them to do this on their own instead of taking class time to take a recorded exercise test. Finally, students will also be able to make up assignments without having to schedule an appointment with me. The flexibility afforded by this video analysis tool will greatly enhance instruction and learning.
Project Achievements:
The quality of the analyzed videos is high and with this application, the videos were posted immediately and remain on the cloud for an entire year. These videos are downloadable for students' permanent files. Because of the increased cloud storage, my iPad (on which I record their assignments) does not have to store the videos, allowing me the ability to record more video without having to delete anything. Every student reported back via survey that they appreciated the application and the analyzed videos. Initially there were some difficulties in using the application, however, as the creators continued to work on the application, that process was cleared up and all students used the application easily. When submitting work through the application, only one student had difficulty uploading the file, however, after retrying, she was able to upload the video successfully. In general, through using this application, the students and I gained more flexibility in how we utilized class time. Students were able to see both their unanalyzed and analyzed videos through the application and the videos uploaded immediately which saved me a significant amount of time.
I will definitely continue using this application. The students will pay a discounted fee (as negotiated with the application's creators, TechSmith), so that they have access to the application for an entire year. This actually replaces the need for them to purchase an SD card because all the recordings will be done through this application. I will also have more assignments for them to complete outside of class time, allowing for more instruction in the actual class setting.
I have already disseminated information to the conducting faculty here at UM regarding the use of this application. I am also applying to present this information at a national convention in the winter term of 2017.
Advice to your Colleagues:
The biggest lesson learned, apart from how to maximize the use of this application to improve my instruction and assessment, was to have direct communication with the application's creators. Because I had already created a working relationship with them, I was able to provide consistent feedback and ask questions when trouble arose. Because this application is new, it is continually being improved. When new improvements were made, I was able to get direction information as to how this could improve my use of the application. It also allowed me the opportunity get students' questions answered if I was unable to do so myself (in the beginning of the fall semester, the application was clunky, but with communication, this was able to be resolved).

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