Attendance at 2016 Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education

Attendance at 2016 Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education

Academic Year:
2015 - 2016 (June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
I am requesting funds to support my participation in and travel to the 2016 annual conference
of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) in New Orleans, Louisiana (June
26-29, 2016). This conference is held every June, and it's the largest national conference
focused on engineering education. I am a member of special interest groups focused on
liberal arts in engineering and first-year programs, and I would anticipate attending sessions
that focus on teaching technical communication and on first-year problem-based learning (and
related topics, such as forming/facilitating student teams, improving climate, etc.) I am
planning to submit an abstract to present at the conference as well, and I anticipate that I will
be presenting on my 2015-2016 ISL project (on optimal team formation), and maybe with
colleagues on the UM technical communication curriculum. Because the deadline for
abstracts is not until October, I will not know by this grant's deadline whether or not my
abstract(s) and paper(s) have been accepted.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

Attend/ learn from other presentations at ASEE conference. Present my own work at the ASEE conference.

Project Achievements:

This award allowed me to attend the ASEE conference in June 2016. I presented my own work (an analysis of student satisfaction on teams with varying demographics) and felt like the reception was good. I attended other sessions that were valuable (gave me ideas and research directions re: teamwork in particular).

Well, I'll continue reading ASEE papers (it's such a big conference/ I didn't attend everything I wanted to!)
I've already shared papers and talked with a few colleagues at a summer meeting. I team teach, and I'll be bringing some ideas for managing student teams into my classrooms.

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