Lithography Printmaking Workshop

Lithography Printmaking Workshop

Academic Year:
2015 - 2016 (June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
I am applying for this LPDF grant to attend a professional art workshop at the Tamarind Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on the topic of lithographic printmaking.

I teach two printmaking classes at the Residential College every winter semester. I am interested in covering as wide a range of printmaking techniques as possible, while still maintaining the classroom as a non-toxic studio. I believe that, given current ecological and environmental concerns, it is important to shift towards processes that minimize use and exposure to hazardous substances.

Lithography is the most versatile of all print media since it can replicate a wide variety of mark-making including both tonal and line information. However, when done via the traditional lithographic stones, it requires a special lithographic press and it is a rather involved process due to the cost and weight of the stones. On the other hand, lithographic plates can be printed with a regular etching press (already in existence and in use at the classroom where I teach), the plates are portable and low-cost, and the process requires a minimum amount of solvents (very low toxicity).

The use of these plates would allow the students a unique opportunity to explore lithographic printing within the parameters of a non-toxic studio. I would like to attend this workshop to learn more about the process so that I may be able to incorporate it into the curriculum for future printmaking classes at the Residential College.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The main objective of the grant was attending a professional workshop at the Tamarind Institute of Lithography in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on the topic of plate lithography for four weeks from July 11-August 5 2016.

Project Achievements:

The project’s major achievement was having the opportunity to conduct research on the medium of plate lithography in a fully equipped studio with instruction and guidance by the top professionals in the field. By the end of the project, I had acquired a deeper knowledge of that process for the purpose of being able to incorporate projects in that discipline in my course curriculum. In that regard, it allowed me to expand on the material that I am able to cover in my classes and also use in my own practice.

The project itself is not continuing (as the workshop was only 4-weeks long) but the concrete knowledge gained from it will be incorporated into all of my future printmaking courses at the university.
The content of the project will be disseminated to all of my students in future printmaking classes by way of technical demonstrations and targeted projects.

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