Visit of Alessia Blad to Italian program

Visit of Alessia Blad to Italian program

Academic Year:
2015 - 2016 (June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
Invitation of Prof. Alessia Blad to campus in February 2015.
Prof. Alessia Blad leads the prodigiously successful Italian language program at the University of Notre Dame. She also teaches the Methodology course for the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures there. Among the innovations in which she has had a leadership role is the multi-university Consortium on Useful Assessment in Language and Humanities Education, of which Notre Dame is a founding member. This collaboration has produced a consistent set of tools for setting standards and assessing outcomes and that go from the lowest level of language to every level of literature and culture. She has been very active in curricular and extra-curricular initiatives, making the Italian language program the leading innovator in many advances later adopted by other programs (such as assessment, methods of teacher training, and most recently, computer enhanced language instruction, especially hybrid courses. She was invited by UC Berkeley recently for a similar presentation. She would spend one night in Ann Arbor in February, meeting with small groups of faculty and presenting to the entire Italian teaching staff, GSIs, Lecturers and Professors, on a Wednesday when elementary language classes are not held. She would consult and present on assessment strategies to connect lower and upper level courses, computer enhanced courses, and principles and practices of language pedagogy.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

We wanted to find out from Alessia Blad, director of the Italian language program at Notre Dame University, how they have successfully integrated program goals between elementary language instruction and upper-level content courses. Their whole Romance Langauges department started an Assessment project some years back that has been very successful in that regard. In addition they have started using hybrid courses (partially on-line) in Italian.

Project Achievements:

Blad came to campus and met with various members of the department. She gave a presentation of the Assessment project and the hybrid courses. It was very well attended by teaching faculty in all the Romance Languages as well as the Chair and the Associate Chair. In response to her presentation, the Language Director in Romance Languages proposed the formation of a programming committee with representation from lecturer and professorial faculty from all the languages with the goal of developing an assessment project for our department.

It is continuing with the committee described above. We hope to get the whole department discussing goals and expectations for every level of each language program from elementary to advanced.
Colleagues came, saw, and were inspired to start a similar process.
Advice to your Colleagues:
CRLT was very generous. Thank you!

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