Inclusive Teaching @ Michigan Series - Planning for Diversity: Strategies for Inclusive Course Design: Part 1

In this workshop, participants will explore inclusive teaching principles and strategies that can be applied to the course design process. This workshop, geared toward faculty from any discipline, will provide participants with an opportunity to design a new course or re-design a pre-existing course with a particular focus on inclusive teaching methods. Participants will engage in several exercises that push them to think critically about ways they can revise assignments, assessments, syllabi, and in-class activities to effectively engage all students.  This session is now full. Please sign up below to join the waitlist.

Click here to see all of the events in the Inclusive Teaching @ Michigan series.

Event Information
Location (Room):
CRLT Seminar Room (1013 Palmer Commons)
Victoria A.
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Not eligible for Certificate
The registration for this event is closed

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