Enriching Scholarship: How to Make a Large Course Small for Your Students

As universities move towards increasing enrollments and class sizes, challenges of large classrooms will become more prevalent.  We will begin by discussing student challenges to learning, especially those unique to large course settings.  We will also describe successful methods used in large classrooms; discuss case studies; and brainstorm solutions specific to our classrooms, subject materials, and learning objectives.  These discussions can help our large courses seem smaller, less intimidating, and more personal for students.  Many of the methods and issues discussed will also apply to smaller courses and improve teaching methods for all instructors.

Event Information
Location (Room):
CRLT Seminar Room (1013 Palmer Commons)
Julie Ghekas
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology
The registration for this event is closed

Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/event/90408