REPEAT SESSION: Inclusive Teaching @ Michigan Series - Student Engagement with Each Other: Creating an Inclusive Classroom (IGR)

PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A REPEAT OF THE SESSION OFFERED ON MONDAY, MAY 16. Join the Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR) for a session focused on engaging students to talk with each other as one mode for creating inclusive classrooms.  While instructors themselves need to know how to ask questions that lead to deep understanding of material, it is also important for them to know how to:

  • Set up classroom expectations and guidelines that foster a climate of trust
  • Offer assignments that ask students to get to know each other so they can collaborate more effectively
  • Use classroom structures that ensure student-to-student conversation
  • Model and facilitate inquiry methods that help students learn how to probe each other’s ideas and ask questions of each other.

The session will begin with formation of guidelines to be used in the session and that can be used in classrooms, followed by an activity in which participants share successful and less successful examples, as well as pros and cons, of engaging students with each other.  We will present a video showing connections between instructor/facilitator and student behaviors, with a special emphasis on inquiry examples.  Most of the session will be devoted to practicing various inquiry approaches, and will end with discussion of how participants can apply these approaches in their classrooms. This event will take place at IGR, in the Galleria on S. University between Church and Forest. 

Please click here to register for this workshop.

Click here to see all of the events in the Inclusive Teaching @ Michigan series

Event Information
Location (Room):
Other - See planning notes
Kelly Maxwell
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching
The registration for this event is closed

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