Teaching the Whole Student: Integrating Heart, Mind, and Spirit in Our Pedagogy

A panel of authors from the recently published book, Teaching the Whole Student: Engaged Learning with Heart, Mind, and Spirit (Stylus Press), representing LSA (IGR, MCSP, PiTE, Sociology, Sweetland), SEAS, Social Work (CASC), and LEO will introduce the concept of whole student learning while offering short, specific examples of how each one integrates this approach into their teaching. Small group discussions will follow the panel, focusing on the authors’ pedagogical areas including service-learning, sustainability, intergroup relations, learning communities, and seminar-size classroom settings.

Teaching the whole student is an approach that values each student beyond just their intellectual abilities. These authors care about both the individual student and the community of scholars; emphasize active, experiential learning approaches; cross intellectual and structural boundaries of learning and teaching; and incorporate principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. They are concerned with the personal and academic well-being and flourishing of students from all backgrounds.

A book signing will take place at the end of the session.

Event Information
Location (Room):
Michigan League - Hussey Room
Matt Kaplan
Executive Director
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Not eligible for Certificate
The registration for this event is closed

Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/event/97403