Teaching with Technology workshop

Teaching with Technology workshop

Academic Year:
2017 - 2018 (June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2018)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
I am applying for funding to attend a workshop entitled Teaching with Technology in Seville, Spain from August 20-23, 2018. The workshop will provide me an opportunity to explore ways digital tools and pedagogies can be used to address unique learning challenges or goals in my courses. The course has been designed for instructors interested in critically analyzing the impact that technology is having on pedagogy and in reflecting on how technology and pedagogy can be integrated in the classroom in order to address instructional challenges. Furthermore, this workshop will allow me to meet and interact with other colleagues from all over the world, which will give me new insight into the concerns and issues of pedagogy and will keep me updated on the new trends in this field. After participating, I will be able to design my courses more efficiently by implementing learning solutions incorporating technologies.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The objective of the project was to attend a workshop to explore ways digital tools and pedagogies can be used to address unique learning challenges or goals in my courses. For example, I have explored ways to better integrate online and in-class activities in my course, provide online resources for struggling students, and design online assessments that can provide targeted feedback. I have also learnt about different examples and uses of digital learning technologies in the classroom.

Project Achievements:

After participating at this workshop, I have been able to design my courses more efficiently by implementing learning solutions incorporating technologies. As a result of my endeavor of bringing to my courses the best possible teaching training, the more than 100 undergraduate students that I teach annually has benefited from my attendance at this workshop.

The project is not continuing after the grant period but I will apply the acquired expertise to my classes.
This course not only has allowed me to apply the acquired skills to my own courses on campus but will also allow me to share the knowledge with my Lecturer colleagues so that they might implement these resources in their courses. Contributing to my departmentĀ“s enrichment is one goal that I have for the next academic year by participating in the Share Fair, an event held at the Romance and Languages Department every semester.

Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/node/97843