Participation in 2018 International Association of Classical Archaeology Conference

Participation in 2018 International Association of Classical Archaeology Conference

Academic Year:
2017 - 2018 (June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2018)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
I am applying for financial support to attend the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, which takes place May 22-26, 2018 in Bonn, Germany. The theme of the conference is “Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World”. My paper entitled “Linked Economies: Regional Networks and North African Urbanism”, has been accepted in panel session 8.14 of the conference.

This research that I undertake for the paper will further my professional development as an archaeologist, and will enhance my role as a Lecturer I at the University of Michigan. as I develop lectures and courses in the area of Roman archaeology. Participation in the Conference will advance the educational and research missions of the University of Michigan and the Department of Classical Studies in which I teach. If a Lecturer’s Professional Development Grant is awarded, I will use this to cover travel and expenses during my participation in the conference.

Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

I received financial support to attend the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology in May 2018 in Bonn, Germany. My objectives were, first, to present my research to an audience of specialists in my field, and second, to learn from an international group of scholars about important new discoveries in classical archaeology that could enhance my teaching and research.

Project Achievements:

My paper gathered data that documented how the economies of distinct North African regions were more or less connected over time. The data will contribute to our understanding of the roles of cities and places within the Roman empire. Additionally, I attended many conference sessions that will be directly relevant to my teaching, such as a full day of research on Pompeii, which is the subject of a course I will teach in Winter 2019.

I continue to research my paper on “Linked Economies: Regional Networks and North African Urbanism” in preparation for publication. I have future articles planned that will also make use of the data that I generated for the project.
My paper will appear in the conference proceedings which will be published in print and digital formats, probably in late 2019.
Advice to your Colleagues:
I was not sure whether the amount provided would cover my expenses (plane ticket to Germany, conference fees, lodging, and meals for one week). With a ticket purchased well in advance, inexpensive meals and a shared Airbnb on the outskirts of the town in which the conference was held, I overspent the budget by only a small amount.

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