Teaching in Teams: Working with Graduate and Undergraduate Students as Instructors

Working with a team of Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) and/or Undergraduate Teaching/Learning Assistants (UTAs and ULAs) creates instructional opportunities in large courses that may not be possible otherwise. In this session, we will share examples of course teams from U-M and identify the benefits, challenges and best practices of building and working in these teams. Throughout our discussion, we will reflect on the process of developing a teaching team, roles and responsibilities for GSIs and UTAs, the training, interaction and support needed as the course is being taught, as well as mechanisms for feedback and evaluation. We will also explore the role of identity in relationships among faculty, GSIs, UTAs, and students.

Event Information
Location (Room):
CRLT Seminar Room (1013 Palmer Commons)
Meg Bakewell
Associate Director
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Not eligible for Certificate
The registration for this event is closed

Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/event/99258