Fall 2013 Tri-Campus Provosts’ Seminar

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Engaged Learning, Community-Based Research and the Community Engagement Corridor

This tri-campus seminar was endorsed by Provost June Pierce Youatt at Michigan State University, Provost Margaret Winters at Wayne State University, and Provost Martha Pollack at the University of Michigan as an opportunity to further collaborative efforts on community engagement across the three universities.  The goal was and is to discuss the potential and value in developing a Community Engagement Corridor among the campuses, together with local communities.  An inter-institutional committee collectively planned the agenda.  Participants were invited from a range of fields, all committed to community engagement in a variety of different ways. The program generated an exchange of ideas and networking across the campuses, provided valued perspectives in the keynote address and short talks.  In the final sessions, participants discussed potential value and obstacles, future coordination and collaboration, and possible next steps. 

The program was organized jointly by the tri-campus planning committee and the University of Michigan’s Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT), with additional logistical support also provided by the Outreach offices of Michigan State University and of Wayne State University.  

The planning committee met following the Seminar, debriefed, and are preparing a summary of the Provosts' Seminar discussions and recommendations going forward. 

Seminar Agenda (pdf)

Keynote Address: Nancy Cantor, President and Chancellor, Syracuse University

Short Talks videos

  • Vincent Delgado, Academic Specialist for Civic Engagement, MSU
  • Barbara Israel, Director, Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center; Professor, School of Public Health, UM
  • Jeff Mason, Executive Director of the University Research Corridor
  • Angela Reyes, Executive Director of the Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation
  • Kelsey Skinner, class of 2015, Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Psychology, WSU

University Record article

Tri-Campus Provosts' Seminar website

Planning Committee (pdf)