Morgan Breon

Morgan Breon Headshot
Morgan Breon
External Advisory Board Member

Morgan Breon holds four degrees from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor—Dual Masters in Social Work and Education Policy, and Dual Bachelors in Psychology and English. Morgan’s core passion is fostering healing and support for Black youth and young adults. She has been a volunteer and mentor with foster care and adoption agency Spaulding for Children since 2012. In addition to facilitating youth workshops through her program, P.O.W.W.E.R. Training, for over 7 years, Morgan was the Behavior Specialist for the 9th Grade Academy at Denby High School and served as the Manager of Behavior and Culture at GOAL Line (Detroit Community Education Commission).

In 2017, Morgan decided to incorporate her gift for acting and playwriting into her “healing work,” and founded, LLC. She is an award-winning playwright, a 2017 Mitten Lab Fellow, 2017-2018 University Musical Society (UMS) Artist in Residence, 2018 Playwriting Scholarship Recipient with PlayPenn Theatre in Philadelphia, PA, 2018 Kresge Arts in Detroit Fellow, 2021 4.0 Essentials Fellow, 2022 Eastern Michigan University Porter Chair recipient and a 2022 4.0 Tiny Fellow. Morgan credits Jesus Christ for her gifts of anything creative.