Travel Logistics

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CRLT Players
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Event GoalsVenue SelectionPublicityTravel LogisticsDay-Of DetailsEvaluation

The Players’ Company Manager handles travel arrangements for the company for all off-site performances. We understand that travel and lodging are significant expenses, and we will work with you to find the best deals and most efficient itinerary.

  • We will fly to all locations that are further than a 5-hour drive from Ann Arbor, MI.
  • If there is more than one option in your area, we ask that you identify your preferred airport. In determining your recommendation, please consider the convenience of ground transportation and frequency of delays/closings associated with each airport.
  • In order to find the best flight prices, we book plane tickets 6 weeks in advance of a performance date whenever possible. We choose the most affordable but logistically reasonable options available to us at the time of booking. Because flight prices fluctuate, the actual price of tickets may vary from the estimate provided earlier in the planning process. Clients are responsible for the actual ticket cost; we will inform you of any significant changes before booking.
  • Due to the possibility of unpredictable travel, we will book direct flights whenever possible. In the event that travel or weather related challenges outside of our control necessitate the cancellation of a planned Players performance, please know that your organization will be responsible for a portion of the estimated fees. If a performance is cancelled prior to the company's departure from Michigan, your organization will be responsible for all rehearsal time, 8 hours of additional time per actor, and any nonrefundable travel costs. If a performance is cancelled after the company's departure from Michigan, your organization will be responsible for all of the above costs and half of the estimated day of performance fees.
  • Hotels within walking distance of the performance space allow for fewer on-site transportation costs.
  • Many universities are offered discounts by local hotels. In these instances, it may be necessary for you to reserve rooms for the company directly. Once a cast has been selected, we will provide you with a list of guest names to expedite the check-in process.
Ground Transportation
  • Sometimes local hotels offer free shuttle service between the airport and the hotel. Please advise us in advance if you know that to be the case so we can reduce transportation costs.
  • If the hotel is not within walking distance to the performance space or in the case of inclement weather, ground transportation to the venue will be necessary. Many of our clients prefer that we use cabs in these cases, though some have made alternate arrangements (e.g. golf carts, university shuttles, etc.). If you would like us to travel by taxi, please recommend any companies you know to be reputable and reliable.
  • If we will be driving ourselves or directing a cab driver, it is imperative that we have clear information about the location of the performance venue, where to be dropped off, and where to park. Campus maps with important locations clearly labeled are much appreciated.