Fall 2009 Provost's Seminar on Teaching: What Are They Learning? Approaches to Assessing Student Learning

Resource Title:
Fall 2009 Provost's Seminar on Teaching: What Are They Learning? Approaches to Assessing Student Learning

Convened each term, Provost’s Seminars on Teaching provide an opportunity for lively and substantive dialogue about a wide range of teaching and learning issues campus wide, across disciplinary boundaries. The Fall 2009 Seminar on the assessment of student learning included a keynote address by Carol Schneider, President of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and a poster fair documenting some of the many assessment projects currently underway at U-M.

Navigate to a PDF of the Handout and Power Point slides for Carol Schneider's presentation:
Eliciting—and Assessing—Our Students’ Best Work:  Designs for Accountability Worthy of Our Mission

Click on the title to download a PDF of the poster.


Poster Title

Crisca Bierwert

Student Reported Impact of Multidisciplinary and Team Teaching (MLTT) Courses

Melissa Brunsvold

Seniors skip ahead: students outperform residents on emergency procedures

Margaret Evans

Creationism is Not the (Only) Problem: Cognitive Constraints on Undergraduates' Understanding of Evolution

Tom Fitzgerald

Improved medical student geriatrics knowledge and attitudes associated with increased geriatrics curriculum content

Tom Gest

Active Learning Strategies for Gross Anatomy

Chad Hershock

Action Research: Using Data to Improve Instruction and Student Retention

Aileen Huang-Saad

Fostering the Entrepreneurial Mindset in the Engineering Classroom

Mary Hernandez

M4 CCA Remediation

Matthew Kaplan, Deborah Meizlish, Danielle LaVaque-Manty, and Naomi Silver

Commenting is Not Just for Instructors: Student Metareflective Comments as a Strategy for Fostering Disciplinary Writing Skills

Magdalene Lampert

Novice Teacher Learning Through Rehearsal Cycles

Lorelle Meadows

An evaluation of the impact of a service learning project in a required first-year engineering course.

Vilma Mesa

Measuring the Impact of an Individual Course on Students' Success

Joanna Mirecki Millunchick

Using Screencasts to Enhance Student Learning in a Large Lecture Material Science and Engineering Course

Rachel Neis

Fostering Critical Engagement and Cross-Cultural Comparison

Jamie Phillips

Investigating Inquiry-Based Learning in an Introductory Course on Semiconductor Devices

Erping Zhu

Clickers at U-M: Results from an 11-Class Survey


Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/programs/psot/assessment