Classroom Challenge: Controversial Topics

In the wake of the recent vandalism in Haven Hall and the run-up to Election Day, many U-M instructors are thinking right now about how they can most productively address potentially controversial topics in their classrooms. Our website features many resources to help you...

  • Introduce potentially controversial content
  • Facilitate productive discussion of sensitive topics
  • Handle “hot moments” in class
  • Address conflicts between students

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A list of resources on these topics and more. You can also request a consultation with a one of CRLT's professional staff if you want to discuss additional strategies for creating effective inclusive learning environments in your classroom.  

What strategies have you found productive for inclusive discussion of hot topics? Please share your ideas in the comments section.

Friday Profile: Joseph Bull, 2012 Winner Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship

Imagine sitting in a fluid dynamics course as an undergraduate biomedical engineering student.  What teaching techniques could your instructor use to keep you engaged?  Students of Professor Joe Bull can tell you quite a bit about that question--and about great teaching in general.  In 2012 Professor Bull was honored with an Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship, an award that recognizes outstanding undergraduate education at University of Michigan. 

Bull’s students might tell you that...Photo of Joe Bull
  • he organizes each of his lectures around a practical problem that they can readily recognize as relevant to their everyday lives. Whereas many initially dread a course based around, say, the principles of biofluid dynamics, they quickly come to enjoy his clear lectures about how blood moves through chambers of the heart.
  • his lectures are sometimes a "choose your own adventure" game, as he comes in with more than one outline prepared and decides upon the direction based on the questions students pose.
  • he uses technology to stay connected with students. For example, during a term with demading travel obligations, he did not want to decrease his accessibility to students, so he used Google+ Hangouts to hold office hours.

Friday Profile: Kathleen Sienko, Winner of 2012 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize

As teachers at an institution committed to "global engagement," how can U-M instructors best facilitate students' international experiences and connections? And how can we enable students to make meaningful differences in the world? Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering Kathleen Sienko has been a campus leader on these questions, developing programs that take students around the world as well as programs that enable students here in Ann Arbor to make and mobilize global connections utilizing the resources of the internet.

What's Your Philosophy?

Search committees around the country are asking:  "What's your philosophy?"  Research shows that a majority of academic search committees, at all kinds of institutions, ask for a statement of teaching philosophy at some point during the application process--sometimes as a part of the initial application, and sometimes later, after the selection committee has narrowed the field of candidates.  Whether you're in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences, odds are good that you'll need such a statement as part of your dossier if you're planning an academic job search.  

Photo of a pen and paperWhat can you do to make sure your teaching philosophy is an asset in your application? CRLT has many resources to help you develop and refine your statement. 

I've written it -- what's next?

If you have a solid draft and would like to make it more effective, you may be interested in attending "Revising Your Teaching Philosophy," a CRLT workshop on November 7, 2012. This workshop is especially useful if you are headed for the academic job market within the next year.

Friday Profile: Tim McKay, David Gerdes, and August Evrard, Joint Winners of the 2012 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize (TIP)

How can we use available data about students to fine-tune our instruction and facilitate their learning? Thanks to the Learning Analytics Task Force and SLAM lecture series, this question is getting lots of attention on campus this year. Some especially innovative answers are provided by 2012 TIP winners Tim McKay, David Gerdes, and August Evrard (pictured below, left to right), whose "Better-Than-Expected" (BTE) project used analysis of large data sets to support student learning in introductory physics courses. 

Dr. Evrard

Dr. GerdesDr. McKayThe three Arthur F. Thurnau professors analyzed data from 48,579 U-M intro physics students over 14 years to generate models for predicting student success in these gateway courses. Correlating data concerning students' preparation (e.g., standardized test scores, prior U-M GPA, previous coursework, etc.), background (gender, socioeconomic status, etc.), and progress through the courses (homework grades, exam scores, class participation, etc.), the BTE team discovered that prior academic performance was a significant indicator of success in the introductory courses. In effect, students' progress through the semester was largely determined by their starting point. The team realized that, in order to develop the learning potential of all students, they needed to move away from a "one-size-fits-all" instructional model.

Enter E2Coach.  With support from the Gates Foundation, the group built an Electronic Expert Coaching system which they launched across all intro physics courses in January 2012.

In the News: Instructional Feedback via Video logoToday's features a story about U-M faculty who are providing feedback on student writing via video. Using a technique called screencasting, instructors create a personalized video for each student paper. Free software records whatever is on the instructor's computer screen, along with their verbal comments, so instructors can open a student's paper, talk though its strengths, make suggestions for improvement, even pull up further resources on their computer screen, and then send the video directly to the student.

Instructors say that making feedback videos takes about the same amount of time as traditional grading with written comments--and may even save time. Many students say that video feedback is more personal and easier to understand than written comments. 

The story features comments from several instructors using the technique and reactions from their students. You can also see an example of a screencast video and learn about free screencasting software. Read the full story here

Related CRLT Resources: Creating and providing feedback on writing assignments

Would you like to discuss screencasting in your course? Request a consultation

Another example of screencast use at U-M: Joanna Mirecki Millunchick, Winner of 2012 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize

Friday Profile: Joanna Mirecki Millunchick, Winner of 2012 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize

What concepts are students still struggling with after lecture?  How can I most effectively supplement lectures to enhance student learning?  Will my efforts to provide additional resources actually pay off in terms of student success?

Dr. MillunchickThese key questions -- familiar to many instructors in large lecture courses -- structured Joanna Mirecki Millunchick’s teaching innovation in MSE (Materials and Science Engineering) 220.  Because the course draws engineering majors with widely varying degrees of experience with course concepts, Professor Millunchick was especially interested in offering diverse students opportunities to review lecture topics and learn at a pace appropriate to their needs. 

Her central innovation? Screencasts.  Millunchick developed a range of screencasts (i.e., online videos of her computer screen, accompanied by audio) on topics students were struggling with.  The screencasts included lecture recordings, explanations of homework, and exam solutions.  In just one example of her creative use of technology, Millunchick used a tablet PC and stylus to record her process of drawing diagrams, producing videos that students could watch and review on their own schedule.  CTools allowed her to keep track of which students used the screencasts and how often.  And then she assessed the relation of these data to student success in the course.  

She found, quite simply, that students who used her screencasts earned higher grades in the course, but the greatest gains were for those students who started with less familiarity with the topic.  

Friday Profile: Theresa Tinkle, Winner of 2012 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize

How can a lecturer engage an auditorium full of undergraduates in analyzing the subtleties of a poem written more than 400 years ago?  That was one of the questions motivating Theresa Tinkle's teaching innovations in English 350, a course surveying literature written before 1660.  

Dr. TinkleAlong with her team of GSIs, the Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of English Language and Literature set the goal of improving students' skills at literary analysis, and then they focused their teaching efforts on replicating the advantages of a small course in a large lecture setting.  The group creatively deployed technologies like iClickers and CTools online quizzes to ensure students completed readings and engaged actively with lectures.  And they created assignment sequences that allowed students intensive writing practice and provided individualized feedback (without significantly increasing anyone's grading load).  This combination of strategies resulted in significantly improved student skill with the complex task of close reading. 

Did you know that CRLT has a YouTube channel?

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You can find CRLT on YouTube at  Because YouTube is one of the many Google Apps now in use on campus, all members of the U-M community can easily share videos with the public or with select users at U-M.  CRLT's channel is dedicated to using YouTube to support teaching excellence and innovation.  The videos currently featured include several Arthur F. Thurnau professors discussing their successful teaching strategies.  For example:

The channel also features teaching resources such as ... 

Friday Profile: Lola Eniola-Adefeso, Winner of 2012 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize

"You are asked to design an original experiment that would be suitable for a high school teacher to use in demonstrating any mass or heat transfer principle or concept to his/her class. The goal is to use your experiments to attract high school students to chemical engineering."  

Dr. Eniola-Adefeso

So begins the group project assignment for Chemical Engineering 342 designed by Assistant Professor Omolola Eniola-Adefeso, winner of the 2012 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize (TIP). Motivated to improve retention rates of diverse students in STEM fields and inspired by her own experiences with hands-on learning early in her undergraduate engineering career, Dr. Eniola-Adefeso developed an assignment that combined self-directed learning, collaboration, and outreach.