Conflict in the Classroom

Conflict in the Classroom: Reflections on Practice invites instructors to seriously consider their roles as facilitators of challenging moments in their classes. Participants will watch a theatrical case study depicting an eruption of conflict in a college classroom, and consider the various choices the instructor was weighing as they navigated the conflict. At the session’s close, participants will have time to reflect on their own commitments and goals for engaging with conflict in their classrooms. This session is appropriate for faculty and graduate student instructors.

The typical session length is 120 minutes. Conflict in the Classroom is only offered as an in-person session. It will be available in October 2024

**The theatrical case study in this session contains strong language and includes references to challenging current events, as well as larger systemic inequities like racism and sexism.

In our time together, participants will:

  • Consider how an instructor’s social identities, personal commitments, and in-the-moment decision-making matters when meeting conflict in the classroom.
  • Reflect on the ways that different choices affect classroom climate for students and faculty.
  • Create personal goals for engaging with conflicts before, during, and after class.
What people have said about Conflict in the Classroom :
I wasn't sure what to expect from the theater format but it definitely facilitated a kind of conversation about classroom dynamics that was valuable and couldn't have taken place otherwise.
This was extremely useful and an exercise that I value since I face similar situations in my class.
Really enjoyed the flexibility of theatre to examine this classroom conflict. It was excellent for personal reflection and asking "what would I do." Made it very real.
Always appreciate the thoughtfulness and insight provided by the CRLT Players. Keep up the good work!
Super extremely grateful for how accessible CRLT resources are. Thanks for bringing these resources to us, rather than keeping it siloed, like it often can be at other institutions.
Loved the players - the 2 hours went by too quickly!
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