Facilitation Workshop: “Building Your Facilitation Technique Toolkit”

Facilitation Workshop: 
“Building Your Facilitation Technique Toolkit”

This workshop asks participants to reflect on their responsibilities to facilitation: shaping group conversations for specific goals. Attendees will consider how their social identities affect their facilitation choices, describe what qualities and techniques they value in unscripted facilitation, and explore techniques for building their facilitation toolkit. This includes a walkthrough of various steps a facilitator might take before a session to prepare themselves, as well as a diffuse set of techniques a facilitator might employ during a workshop, class, group discussion, meeting, or committee to learn more about participant perspectives, deepen engagement, and respond to unexpected contributions. Throughout, participants reflect on what feels available to them regarding their own positionality and role in service of developing their unique facilitation ethos and style. This session does not contain a CRLT Players performance.

The session is 120 minutes, and only offered in a fully in-person synchronous format. It will be available in November and December 2024.


In this session, participants will:

  • Reflect on their orientations to and values regarding facilitation
  • Consider techniques to prepare for facilitating learning
  • Discuss techniques a facilitator might employ during a session and why they might use them
  • Begin to develop a personal ethos of facilitation
What people have said about Facilitation Workshop: “Building Your Facilitation Technique Toolkit” :
It was so nice to attend your facilitation workshop! You [Christy] and Sara have always been my facilitator role models, so I'm really happy that you are formally sharing your experience and expertise.
I want to thank you again for the wonderful two sessions on facilitation - just what I had in mind when I asked you, only WAAAAY better than I ever could have imagined. Your partnership in this work means so much to me, and I truly believe that you’ve moved all of us ahead several notches on not just our skill level but also our deeper understanding of how we engage in this work.
Thank you for leading such a wonderful seminar for our unit. You were a marvelous teacher in covering a lot of ground over the two hours. Your knowledge and passion was impressive and contributed to an effective workshop.
I loved the idea of brainstorming answers to your own questions ahead of time and thinking / preparing [for] how to manage less useful responses. I also loved the examples of actual phrases that could be used in different situations…
Thank you for modeling. Throughout you showed us and shared your experience as you validated ours... that matters :-) Your pacing was effective, too.
Click here to visit our What the Audience Is Saying page to read more.