E. Reflection on instructional practice

Resource Title:
Graduate Teacher Certificate Program: Requirements and Resources E. Refelction
Course Type:
graduate teacher certificate orientation graduate teacher certificate learning graduate teacher certificate practice graduate teacher certificate mentorship graduate teacher certificate reflection
A. Orientation to College Teaching & Student Learning B. Learning About Teaching C. Instructional Practice D. Mentorship on Teaching E. Reflection on Instructional Practice


In order to complete this requirement, participants must complete a teaching philosophy statement (maximum of 2 pages).

Reflection on Instructional Practice

More Detail

Use the resources below to help create your teaching philosophy statement. Submit a draft of your teaching philosophy for the E requirement via our teaching philosophy consultation request page. Be sure to check the box that indicates you are submitting your philosophy for the certificate.

A trained CRLT graduate student consultant will be assigned to review your teaching philosophy statement using the rubric in the Resources and Support section below. Please allow a minimum of 2-4 weeks to receive feedback on your teaching philosophy on your My Dashboard page. (See also deadlines of March 15 and Oct 15.) If your teaching philosophy statement requires revisions to meet Certificate requirements (see below), the consultant reviewing your statement will offer you an optional, free consultation, in addition to sharing asynchronous feedback for statement revisions. The consultant will contact you via email.

To fulfill Certificate requirements, your teaching philosophy statement must achieve at least two “Needs Little/No Revision" ratings and no more than one "Needs significant Revision" rating in the five categories of this rubric (see also Resources and Support below). Teaching philosophy statements that do not satisfy the above requirements may be revised using the feedback provided and resubmitted to the CRLT consultant for further review. Please note that references to “learning styles” will be flagged for revision since recent research on student learning has called into question the validity of this construct. For more information, see The Problem with Learning Styles.

Resources and Support:

Teaching Philosophy Statement Rubric

Examples of Teaching Philosophy Statements and other Resources
Examples of teaching philosophy statements from a variety of disciplines as well as additional resources on preparing one's teaching philosophy statement.

Consultations on Teaching Philosophy Statements
GSIs may request a consultation with a trained CRLT graduate student consultant on developing a teaching philosophy statement. GSIs should use the resources below to prepare a draft of their teaching philosophy statement BEFORE requesting a consultation. Please be aware that the feedback and approval process could take 2-4 weeks, especially if revisions are requested by the consultant. We ask that you plan ahead when you are getting ready to submit your statement for review.

Additional Resources on Teaching Philosophies
A range of resources and readings on Teaching Philosophy statements, from CRLT and peer institutions, as well as links to publications on this topic.

Workshops on Preparing a Teaching Philosophy Statement Offered by CRLT

CRLT Seminar Series
A workshop on preparing a teaching philosophy statement is offered each semester. Open to all graduate students.

Rackham-CRLT May Preparing Future Faculty Seminar
This month-long Seminar helps advanced graduate students prepare for their first faculty teaching jobs. Participants develop and receive feedback on their teaching philosophy statement during the Seminar. Enrollment is limited and by competitive application.

Source URL: https://crlt.umich.edu/um.gtc/focal_area_e_resources_and_support