What's It Like to Work at a Liberal Arts College?

Resource Title:
What's It Like to Work at a Liberal Arts College?

"What's It Like to Work at a Liberal Arts College?" Panel: January 25, 2013, 3:00-4:30PM

2012 Panel

Location: Rackham Assembly Hall
Moderated by Rackham Associate Dean Sara Blair, University of Michigan

Interested in teaching at a liberal arts college? A faculty panel from liberal arts colleges will discuss job search strategies and faculty worklife. In addition, participants will learn about the Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships at Oberlin and Kalamazoo Colleges for University of Michigan Ph.D.s.

Panelists will include:

  • Dr. Emanuela Grama, Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Department of History, Oberlin College
  • Dr. Shanna Kirschner, Assistant Professor, Political Science, Allegheny College
  • Dr. Andy Mozina, Professor, Department of English, Kalamazoo College
  • Dr. Drew Wilburn, Associate Professor, Departments of Classics and Archeological Studies, Oberlin College
View the video from this session 

Online Resources about Liberal Arts Colleges and Job Searches

Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U)

AAC&U is a national association committed to advancing liberal education. The Liberal Education and America’s Promise section (http://www.aacu.org/leap/vision.cfm) is especially helpful for its look at “essential learning outcomes” of a liberal arts education.

Great Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA)

GLCA is a consortium of colleges in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The webpage contains links to local liberal arts colleges’ webpages and resources on the liberal arts.

Oberlin College/Kalamazoo College Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowships

As part of a long-standing collaboration between the University of Michigan, Kalamazoo College, and Oberlin College funded by the Mellon Foundation, students from all fields in the humanities and humanistic social sciences are annually encouraged to apply for postdoctoral teaching fellowships at Kalamazoo and Oberlin. 

Useful Print Resources:

Harward, D. (2007). Engaged learning and the core purposes of liberal education. Liberal Education, 93(1): 6-15.

Lang, J.M. (2009, May 12). Facing the truth: So you want to apply to teaching-oriented colleges but don't have any classroom experience?. Chronicle of Higher Education
Available: http://chronicle.com/article/Facing-the-Truth/45814/

Schurman, S. (1995). Small is…different. In A.L. DeNeef & C.D. Goodwin (Eds). The academic’s handbook (2nd ed) (pp. 17-28). Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Vick, J.M., & Furlong, J.S. (2007, Dec. 12). Applying for a postdoctoral fellowship. Chronicle of Higher Education.
Available: http://chronicle.com/article/Applying-for-a-Postdoctoral/46620/