Winners of the Investigating Student Learning Grant
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Winners of the Investigating Student Learning Grant
ISL Grant Winners from 2016
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ISL Grant Winners from 2015
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ISL Grant Winners from 2014
ISL Grant Winners from 2013
- Michelle Aebersold and Dana Tschannen, School of Nursing, Division 3
- Using Blogger to Improve Student Engagement and Learning
- Presentation: Aebersold, M., Tschannen, D., & Anderson, C. (2014, October). Using blogs to improve student engagement and learning. Presentation at the Annual Sloan Consortium International Conference on Student Learning. Orlando, FL.
- Michael Englesbe, General Surgery, Medical School
- Collaborators: Seth A. Waits and Bradley N. Reames, Medical School
- Evaluating the Use of Social Media to Enhance the Educational Experience of a Medical School Surgery Clerkship
- Publication: Forthcoming in Journal of Surgical Education, "Evaluating the Use of Twitter to Enhance the Educational Experience of a Medical School Surgery Clerkship."
- Margherita Fontana and Carlos Gonzalez, Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, School of Dentistry
- Dental student collaborator: Allison Everett, School of Dentistry
- Learning Cariology in a New Dental Curriculum: Long-lasting Student Learning of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills in the Context of Patient Care
- Presentation: (2015, March). Long-lasting Learning of Critical Thinking Skills in a Dental Curriculum. Presentation at the Annual American Dental Education Association Meeting. Boston, MA.
- Alexander Ganago, EECS (ECE), College of Engineering
- Graduate student collaborators: R. Matthew DeMonbrun, School of Education, Center for the Study of Higher & Postsecondary Education, and Sudarshan Sivaramakrishnan, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ECE)
- Development of Student Motivation, Interest, and Comprehension of New Material Outside of Their Major Field of Study
- Presentation: Ganago, A. & Sivaramakrishnan, S. (2014, June). Development of student motivation in a required Electrical Engineering (EE) course for non-EE majors. Presentation made at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, IN.
- Brent Gillespie, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Graduate student collaborators: Brandon Johnson, Jeremy Brown, and Daniel Ursu, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Impact of Hands-On Activity in System Dynamics and Control Engineering Education
- Berit Ingersoll-Dayton and Beth Spencer, School of Social Work
- Graduate student collaborators: Minyoung Kwak and Sojung Park, School of Social Work
- Experiential Learning in Dementia Care for Social Workers
- Ann Jeffers and Beverly Strassman, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
- Graduate student collaborator: Paul Beata, College of Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Assessing the Impact of Engineering Service-Learning Projects in Developing Countries
- Presentation: Jeffers, A., Beata, P.A., & Strassman, B.I. (2014, June). A qualitative study to assess the learning outcomes of a civil engineering service learning project in Bolivia. Presentation made at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, IN.
- Publication: Jeffers, A.E., Beata, P.A., & Strassman, B. (2015). Qualitative assessment of the learning outcomes of an international service learning project in civil engineering. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 10(1).
- Kelley Kidwell, Biostatistics, School of Public Health
- Validating the REGRESS (REsearch on Global Regression Expectations in StatisticS) Quiz Among UMich Public Health Graduate Students
- Published as: Kidwell, K.M., & Enders, F.B. (2014). Initial external validation of REGRESS in public health graduate students. Journal of Clinical of Clinical and Translational Science. Published online on July 15, 2014.
- Arno Kumagai, Jennifer Stojan, and Eleanor Sun, Internal Medicine, Medical School
- Long-Term Impact of Patient Narrative-based Learning on Physician Attitudes Regarding Patient-Centered Care
- Mika LaVaque-Manty, Political Science, Literature, Science, and the Arts
- Graduate student collaborator: Benjamin Peterson, Literature, Science, and the Arts, Political Science
- The Effects of Promoting Student Autonomy in a Gateway Course
- "Gamifying Large Courses to Promote Initiative, Problem Solving, Collaboration, and Reflection" won the 2014 CQ Press Award from the American Political Science Association.
- Kyongmi Park, Asian Languages and Cultures, Literature, Science, and the Arts
- Improving Student Pronunciation: A Two-Step Self Evaluation for a Non-Heritage Learners of Korean
- Presentation: Park, K. (2013, November). Developing linguistic and sociocultural competences of learners. Panel presentation at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Lanuages Annual Convention. Orlando, FL.
- Jamie Phillips, EECS, College of Engineering
- Graduate student collaborator: Justin Foley, Applied Physics Program
- Evaluating the Influence of Pre- and Post-Class Online Modules on Learning and Retention
- Katherine Richard-Schuster and Mary Ruffolo, School of Social Work
- Graduate student collaborator: Kerri Nicoll, School of Social Work
- Preparing Socially Engaged Citizens: Understanding the Impact of the Community Action Social Change Minor
- Published as: Richard-Schuster, K., Ruffalo, M., Nicoll, K.L., Distelath, C., & Galura, J. (2014). Using e-portfolios to assess program goals, integrative learning and civic engagement: A case example. International Journal of ePortfolio, 4(2). Available:
- Kathleen Sienko, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Graduate student collaborator: Ibrahim Mohedas, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Characterizations of How Students Collect, Synthesize, and Utilize Stakeholder Information During the Design Process
- Presentation: Mohedas, I., Daly, S.R., & Sienko, K.H. (2014, June). Gathering and synthesizing information during the development of user requirements and engineering specifications. Presentation made at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, IN.
ISL Grant Winners from 2012
- Rolf T. Bouma, Program in the Environment, LSA
- Graduate student collaborator: Melody Pugh, English and Education, LSA
- Transforming and Transformative Ethics
- Jeremiah Chamberlin, English Language and Literature, LSA
- Aaron McCollough, University Library
- Graduate student collaborator: Kelly Davenport, School of Information
- âBeating the Boundsâ: An Inquiry into Information Literacy and Student Learning Ecologies in the Library and the English Department Writing Program.
- Robin Fowler, Program in Technical Communication, College of Engineering
- The Effect of Electronic Platform on Student Engineering Design Team Success
- November 2013 Student Learning and Analytics at Michigan presentation
- Also published as:
- Fowler, R. (2015). Talking teams: Increased equity in participation in online compared to face-to-face team discussions. ASEE Computers in Education Journal, 6(1), 21-44
- Laurie Hartman and Cynthia Fenske, School of Nursing
- Using Video Patient Care Simulations to Enhance Role Identification and Clinical Judgment of Nursing Students and Nurse Practitioner Students.
- Leslie Hollingsworth, School of Social Work
- Graduate student collaborator: Elizabeth Koomson, School of Social Work
- Evaluating Student Learning of Methods of Interpersonal Social Work Practice with African American Families, Offered in Historical and Contemporary Context.
- Helen Morgan, Karen McLean, and Maya Hammoud, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical School
- Medical resident collaborators: Aisha Yousuf and Erika Dickson, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical School
- The Flipped Classroom in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Student Clerkship: Implementation and Evaluation of a New Curriculum.
- Manuscripts in press:
- Morgan H, Mclean K, Chapman C, Fitzgerald J, Yousuf A, Hammoud M. (in press). The flipped classroom for medical students. Clinical Teacher.
- Morgan H, Marzano D, Lanham M, Stein S, Curran D, Hammoud M. (in press) Preparing Medical Students for Obstetrics and Gynecology Milestone Level One: A Description of a Pilot Curriculum. Medical Education Online.
- Leseliey Rose Welch, Womenâs Studies, LSA
- Leading Feminism: How Womenâs Studies Students Integrate and Apply Feminist Theory in Action-Learning Placements and Its Impact on Student Leadership Development and Aspirations
- Steven Yalisove, Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
- Ditch the Lecture So Students Will Learn
- Project received a 2013 Transforming Learning for the Third Century Grant.
- Presented as: Yalisove, S.M., & Daly, S.R. (2014). Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for the Society of Engineering Education, "Eliminating lectures in large introductory materials science and engineering courses: Large gains in student learning."
ISL Grant Winners from 2011
- Louis Cicciarelli and Paul Barron, Sweetland Center for Writing, LSA
- Graduate student collaborator: Ben Gunsberg, English Language and Literature, LSA
- Changing Writing Behavior for Effective Dissertation Writing
- R. Charles Dershimer and Simona Goldin, Teacher Education, School of Education
- Records of Practice: Means for Engaging Students in the Examination of How the Complex and Adaptive Practices of Teaching Might be Understood and Learned.
- John Ellis, Piano, School of Music, Theatre & Dance
- Graduate student collaborator: Jani Parsons, School of Music, Theatre & Dance
- Mindfulness in College Class Piano
- Alexander O. Ganago, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering
- Graduate student collaborator: Hongwei Liao, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering
- Student Learning in a Required Course for Non-Majors: Perception of Values for Future Multidisciplinary Teamwork
- Presentation: Ganago, A. & Liao, H. (2013, July). Student learning in a required Electrical Engineering (EE) course for non-EE majors. Presentation made at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, GA.
- Richard Gonzalez and Colleen Seifert, Psychology, LSA
- Graduate student collaborators: Julie Maslowsky, Psychology, LSA and Igor Grossmann, Psychology, LSA
- Assessing Deep Knowledge of Statistical Concepts
- Michael Hortsch, Cell and Developmental Biology, Medical School
- Graduate student collaborators: Louisa W Holaday & Daniel Selvig, Medical School
- The Influence of Classical and Electronic Educational Resources on Students' Learning Success in the First-Year Medical School Histology Component at the University of Michigan
- Published as: (1) Holaday, L., Selvig, D., Purkiss, J., & Hortsch, M. (2013). Preference of interactive electronic versus traditional learning resources by University of Michigan medical students during the first-year histology component. Medical Science Educator, 23(4).
- (2) Selvig, D., Holaday, L.W., Purkiss, J., & Hortsch, M. (2015). Correlating studentsâ educational background, study habits and resource usage with learning success in medical histology. Anatomical Sciences Education, 8, 1-11.
- Raji Rammuny, Near Eastern Studies, LSA
- Graduate student collaborator: Liana Reading, Spencer Scoville, Near Eastern Studies, LSA
- Language Learning Strategies and Student Motivation in the Arabic Classroom
- Jeffrey Ringenberg, Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering
- Graduate student collaborator: Marcial Lapp, Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering
- Predicting Student Achievement in a First-Year Introductory Programming Course
- Published as: Lapp, Ringenberg & Flezar. (2011). Engineering online gateway system ensuring and evaluating student learning through automated, milestone exams. Computers in Education Journal, 20(1).
- Theresa Tinkle, English Language and Literature, LSA
- Graduate student collaborator: Daphna Atias, Ruth McAdams & Cordelia Zukerman, English Language and Literature, LSA
- How Do Students Learn to Perform Close Readings of Literary Texts in a Large Lecture Course?
- Published as: Tinkle, T., McAdams, R. M., & Zukerman, C. (2013). "Teaching Close Reading in a Large Lecture Course." Pedagogy, 13(3): 505-535.
- Patricia J. Wittkopp, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, LSA
- Graduate student collaborator: Lisa Sramkoski, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, LSA
- Evaluating Techniques to Improve Student Learning in a Large Lecture Genetics Course
ISL Grant Winners from 2010
- Mark Banaszak Holl, Chemistry, LSA
- Graduate student collaborator: Rebecca Matz, Chemistry, LSA
- Effect on Retention and Final Grades of Concurrent Enrollment in Physical Science Lecture and Laboratory Courses
- Published as: Matz, R.L., Rothman, E.D., Krajcik, J.S., & Banaszak Holl, M.M. (2012). Concurrent enrollment in lecture and laboratory enhances student performance and retention. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 49(5): 659-682.
- Mary Blazek, Psychiatry, Medical School
- Laura Struble, School of Nursing
- Graduate student collaborator: Johanna Masse, School of Education and Andre Cavalcante, Communication Studies, LSA
- Enhancing the Geriatric Psychiatry Rotation for Medical Students: From Passivity to Participation
- Published as:
- Blazek, M., Struble, L.M., & Masse, J. (2011). Enhancing the geriatric psychiatry rotation for third-year medical students: From passivity to participation. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(3).
- Blazek, M., Struble, L., Cavalcante, A., & Masse, J. (2015, May). Medical students in a dementia care facility: An enfanced geriatric psychiatry experience. Academic Psychiatry.
- Maria Coolican, School of Education
- Postdoc collaborator: Gwynne Morrissey, School of Education
- An Intersection of Interests: The Millennial Generation and an Alternative World Language Teacher Education Program
- Adrienne Dessel, IGR, LSA
- Monita Thompson, IGR, DSA
- Graduate student collaborators: Johanna Masse, School of Education and Patrice French, IGR, LSA, Elizabet Medina-Rodriguez, School of Social Work
- Evaluating Student Learning in Intergroup Dialogue Facilitation Training and Practicum Courses
- Krzysztof Fidkowski, Aerospace Engineering, CoE
- Undergraduate collaborator: Peter Klein, Aerospace Engineering, CoE
- A Systematic Assessment of the Benefits of Active Learning in Undergraduate Aerodynamics
- Anne Ruggles Gere, English Language and Literature, LSA
- Graduate student collaborators:Timothy Green, Anne Porter Christie Toth & Laura Aull, Sweetland Center for Writing/Joint Program in English and Education
- Identifying and Serving Generation 1.5 Writers at the University of Michigan
- E. Ian Robinson, Sociology, LSA
- Graduate student collaborator: Johanna Masse, School of Education, Lindsey Giblin, School of Social Work, and Mi Ri Jang, School of Social Work
- Understanding the Value-Added of Peer-Facilitated CSL in Project Community
- Assessing the Value Added by Community Service Learning: Comparing Learning Outcomes in Soc 325 & Soc 102
- Denise Sekaquaptewa, Psychology, LSA
- Lorelle Meadows, College of Engineering
- The Effect of Skewed Gender Composition on Student Participation in Undergraduate Engineering Project Teams
- Presentation at 2012 Student Learning and Analytics at Michigan seminar
- Project went on to receive a 2014 NSF Research on Gender in Science and Engineering Grant.
ISL Grant Winners from 2009
- Amy Cohn, Industrial and Operations Engineering, CoE
- Graduate student collaborator: Marcial Lapp, Industrial and Operations Engineering, CoE
- Self-Teaching Materials for Large Lecture Courses
- Alexander Ganago, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, CoE
- Graduate student collaborators: Britton Wolfe, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, CoE, and Inger Bergom, SoE
- Investigating the Impact of a Wiki Site on TAs' Teaching Experiences
- Carrie Ghaname, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry
- Student Dental Hygiene Perceptions as a Result of Service Learning Experiences
- Brian E. Gilchrist, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, CoE
- Graduate student/postdoc collaborators: Rafael Ramos, Design Science, CoE, and Shanna Daly, SoE/CoE
- Investigating the Development of Engineering Students into Design Practitioners as a Result of Interdisciplinary Design Team Experiences
- Yuan-Juang (Yvonne) Lai, Mathematics, LSA
- Structuring Evaluation to Improve Mathematical Writing, Reading and Problem Solving
- Brian E. Perron, Social Work
- Graduate student collaborator: Jenny Nerbonne, Social Work
- Social Work Students' Understanding of Their Future Roles and Functions as Mental Health Service Providers
- Robin Queen, Linguistics, LSA
- Graduate student collaborator: Lauren Squires, Linguistics, LSA
- Evaluating the Bluestream Database for Linguistics Learning and Teaching
- Published as: Squires, L., & Queen, R. (2011). Media clips collection: Creation and application for the linguistics classroom. American Speech, 86(2), 220-234.
- Perry Samson, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, CoE
- Impact of Streaming Lecture on Class Dynamics and Learning
- Tetsuya Sato, Residential College (Japanese Language Program), LSA
- Pedagogical Implications of Individual Interview Assignments through International Teleconference Using Skype
- Susan Waltz, Ford School of Public Policy
- Will You Wiki? Policy Students' Experience of Learning by Doing Case-Study Wikis
- Peter D. Washabaugh, Aerospace Engineering, CoE and Leslie Olsen, Technical Communication Program, CoE
- Graduate student/postdoc collaborators: Rafael Ramos, Design Science, and
- Shanna Daly, SoE/CoE
- Impact of First-Year Design-Build-Test Courses in Engineering
ISL Grant Winners from 2008
- David Chesney. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, CoE
- The Art and Science of Story-Telling in the Engineering Classroom
- Jason Daida, Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences, CoE
- Developing Pedagogical Methods That Facilitate the Translation of Problems into Computer Programming Solutions
- E. Margaret Evans, Psychology, LSA
- Graduate Student Collaborator Ashley Hazel, SNRE
- Creationism Is Not the (Only) Problem: Cognitive Constraints on Undergraduates' Understanding of Evolution
- Published as: Barnes, M.E., Evans, E.M., Hazel, A., Brownell, S.E. & Nesse, R.M. (2017). Teleological reasoning, not acceptance of evolution, impacts students' ability to learn natural selection. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 10(7).
- Andrew Flint, Pathology, Medicine
- Do Student Presentations Enhance Student Learning in Pathology Labs?
- Aileen Huang-Saad, Biomedical Engineering, CoE
- Fostering the Entrepreneurial Mindset in the Engineering Classroom
- Gregory Hulbert, Mechanical Engineering, CoE
- Team-Based Term Projects in Undergraduate Engineering Mechanics
- Magdalene Lampert, Educational Studies SoE
- Graduate Student Collaborators: Amy Bacevich & Melissa Stull, SoE
- Novice Teacher Learning Through Rehearsal Cycles
- Project Information
- Joanna Mirecki Millunchick, Materials Science and Engineering, CoE
- Graduate Student Collaborator: Lindsay Shuller, Materials Science and Engineering, CoE
- Using Screencasts to Enhance Student Learning in a Large Lecture Material Science and Engineering Course
- Published as: Green, K.R., Pinder-Grover, T., & Millunchick, J.M. (2012). Impact of screencast technology: Connecting the perception of usefulness and the reality of performance. Journal of Engineering Education, 101(4), 717-737.
- Winner of: 2012 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize.
- Christine Modey, Sweetland Writing Center, LSA
- Investigating Student Learning in SWC 100: Writing Practicum
- Sample Modules and Student Responses
- Rachel Neis, History, LSA
- Fostering Critical Engagement and Cross-Cultural Comparison
- Project Results and Examples
- Jamie Phillips, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, CoE
- Graduate Student Collaborator: Emine Cagin, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, CoE
- Investigating Inquiry-Based Learning in an Introductory Course on Semiconductor Devices
- Perry Samson, Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences, CoE
- Beyond Clickers - A Web-Based System for Lecturing
- Winner of: 2009 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize.