Provost's Seminar on Teaching "Beyond Grades: How Do We Represent Student Accomplishment?"

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Web Resource
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Resource Title:
Provost's Seminar on Teaching "Beyond Grades: How Do We Represent Student Accomplishment?"
Course Type:

Opening Plenary

Matt Kaplan, Executive Director, CRLT 
Ethan Hutt, Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership, University of Maryland

Stakeholder​ ​Lightning​ ​Talks

Convener:​ ​Barry​ ​Fishman,​ ​​Thurnau​ ​Professor,​ ​Information​ ​and​ ​Education
Meghan​ ​Duffy,​ ​​Associate​ ​Professor,​ ​Ecology​ ​and​ ​Evolutionary​ ​Biology
Molly​ ​Heaton,​ ​​Talent​ ​ID​ ​Manager,​ ​PricewaterhouseCoopers
Benjamin​ ​Koester,​ ​​Learning​ ​Analytics​ ​Research​ ​Specialist,​ ​Physics
Mika​ ​LaVaque-Manty,​ ​​Thurnau​ ​Professor,​​ ​​Political​ ​Science;​ ​Director,​ ​LSA​ ​Honors​ ​Program
Morgan​ ​Rondinelli,​ ​​Student,​ ​Ecology​ ​and​ ​Evolutionary​ ​Biology
Alex​ ​Wilf,​ ​​Student,​ ​Computer​ ​Science

Poster Fair

Video Documentation

Alternative Grading Systems


Narrative Evaluations

Transcripts and U-­M Programs

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