U-M has now officially announced a plan for fall term that will include a mix of online and in-person instruction. CRLT consultants are available throughout the summer to provide ideas, tools, and resources as you think through ways to shift your teaching methods and expectations to align with this hybrid approach. Whether you need to reimagine your course or modify an already flexible design, CRLT is here to support you with a range of services as you plan for Fall 2020, including the following:
Ready to Go Blue (R2GB) – Teaching Fall 2020
U-M faculty and instructors are reenvisioning fall classes in a variety of engaging formats including in-person, remote, and hybrid. Offered by a consortium of central and school/college academic support units, Ready to Go Blue (R2GB) sessions will provide support for these efforts ranging from highlighting pedagogical best practices, to how-to sessions on specific tools, and opportunities for consultations. To view the full program and to register, please visit the R2BG website.
Spring/Summer Seminar Series with a Flexible Online Teaching Focus
From June-August, we’re offering both synchronous and asynchronous online workshops for instructors on a range of teaching topics:
- Inclusive Teaching in Remote Contexts
- Making Active Learning Work in Hybrid and Online Courses
- Peer Review in Online Spaces
- Designing and Facilitating Group Work for Blended/Online Courses
- Setting the Stage for Success: Designing a Learner-Centered Syllabus
- Teaching with GSIs in a Remote Environment
View the full CRLT Spring/Summer Seminar Series schedule for details and sign up information. In addition, members of the Teaching with Technology Collaborative are offering a range of workshops to help instructors prepare for fall teaching. You can find a schedule and register here on the TTC site.
Open Office Hours with CRLT on Online/Hybrid/Flexible Teaching
- Have a quick question about online or hybrid teaching? Want to learn basic tools, best practices, and strategies for engaging your students in online environments? Visit our regularly scheduled Open Office Hours to get ideas and resources or to discuss questions or plans for summer or fall teaching. Explore the office hour schedules for faculty and GSIs and drop in via video conference for a quick teaching consultation. No RSVP is required!
Request a Teaching Consultation
- CRLT staff are working remotely throughout Spring/Summer and will continue to provide one-on-one teaching consultations by phone, video meeting, email exchange, or online chat. If you are teaching this term, you can request a midterm student feedback session adapted for your remote teaching context. CRLT staff are also available to discuss inclusive teaching practices, student ratings from past courses, and the full range of pedagogical and design questions you may have as you look ahead to Fall 2020.
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