2009 CRLT TTI Grant Projects

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2009 CRLT TTI Grant Projects

Link to CRLT TTI Grant Projects 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011

  • Applied Ethics in the Ancient World

    Sara Ahbel-Rappe, Associate Professor, Classical Studies, LS&A, (rappe@umich.edu)

    Professor Ahbel-Rappe’s project prepares and facilitates the creation of websites that connect students’ own identities and aspirations to social issues in the ancient world. Through multi-media explorations (video, interview, performance, conferencing, etc.) students’ websites address the ancient Greek and Roman intellectual record with special focus on possibilities for social, intellectual, and scientific protest and debate.

  • Podcasting in Evolutionary Biology

    Lynn Anderson, Lecturer III, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, LS&A, (landersn@umich.edu)

    This project developed a set of guidelines for students in Biology 107 (Evolution of Life) to follow while creating a series of podcasts that focus on museum exhibits. In addition to writing a detailed report focusing on concepts from Biology 107 applicable to the exhibit (e.g., fossil types), students will take pictures of exhibit materials to illustrate the important points of the podcast. The final product will be a finished podcast suitable for all ages and background.

  • Language In Motion: Seeing It Is Getting It!

    Dominique Butler-Borruat, Program Head/Lecturer IV, Residential College, LS&A, (dborruat@umich.edu)

    This project explored the potential for motion media such as Flash animations to enhance students' learning of language concepts. We attempted to make thinking processes and procedures more visible and to show morphological and syntactical transformations in motion. The module created in Flash teaches the selection of French personal pronouns; it will be further developed to teach their placement. This module can be used as an instructional tool in class, as well as a review tool outside of class. It could be modified to show similar transformations in French or other languages.

  • New Tools for Teaching Advanced Statistics to Social Science Students

    Richard Gonzalez, Professor, Psychology, LS&A,, (gonzo@umich.edu)

    Professor Gonzalez’s project converted a series of in-class demonstrations and simulations to a web-based interface, allowing these exercises to become student-driven, rather than instructor-driven.

    Rich Gonzalez's Statistics Animations

  • Integrating Motion Capture and Animation

    Melissa Gross, Associate Professor, Movement Science, Kinesiology, (mgross@umich.edu)

    Professor Gross’ project is part of an upper-division elective course “Motion Capture and Animation for Biomechanics.”  Students in this course will use motion capture technology to quantify human motion and then use the capture data to create animations of human movement that illustrate and explain biomechanical principles related to the motions they are studying.  A set of learning resources will be developed to guide students through the process of creating animations.

  • Practical Applications of Bedside Ultrasound for the Practicing Clinician

    Barbra S. Miller, Assistant Professor, Surgery, Medical School, barbram@med.umich.edu)

    Professor Miller created a module-based ultrasound course for students using Camtasia and existing online module template from the Medical School.  For the majority of the course, students learn about ultrasound and procedures for operating an ultrasound machine by following PowerPoint slides, reading online modules, and completing tests. A practical session with hands-on practice follows during students’ surgical service rotation.

    Link to a prospectus of the project including photos (PDF)

  • Using Array Functions to Add Database Functionality to Flash Websites

    Eric S. Rabkin, Professor, English, LS&A (esrabkin@umich.edu)

    Professor Rabkin developed a series Flash movies, with downloadable ActionScript code, to teach the use of array functions in Flash. These add a new level of flexibility to the Flash movies his students create in the Technology and the Humanities course (http://www.umich.edu/~lsarth/RTHf09/420f09syl.html), including the ability to make Flash mimic many functions of databases. His whole suite of Flash teaching materials is available at http://www.umich.edu/~mmx/flash_intro.html which includes a link to the array function materials at http://www.umich.edu/~mmx/arrays/index.html.

  • Virtual Motion Picture Pre-Production Project

    Robert Rayher, Senior Lecturer, Screen Arts and Cultures, LS&A, (rray@umich.edu)

    The project integrated newly available software, FrameForge3D into SAC 300 400 in Fall 2009, and will integrate it into SAC 290 and 423 in Winter 2010. This software allows the user to create virtual 3-D sets, populate them with characters and create storyboards (stills from any conceivable camera position). Storyboards are the standard pre-production preparation for film production, allowing the user to pre-visualize what the final film will look like. The project integrates FrameForge 3D through a set of newly created learning assignments with clear objectives that teach students to use the software, enhancing their ability to convey complex ideas in their course work.

    Example of an assignment from Prof. Rayher's project
    The assignment's answer

  • Using a Tactile Programming Language to Assist Teaching Introductory Computer Science

    Jeff Ringenberg, Lecturer, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering, (jringenb@umich.edu)

    With touchscreen devices like tablet PCs becoming much more prevalent in student life, it is now possible to harness the power of an innovative type of programming language that focuses on the use of “tactile elements.” Prof. Ringenberg brought the haptic environment to students, providing them a new and exciting learning experience that engages a learning style typically not addressed in introductory computer science courses.

    PDF of Prof. Ringenberg's PowerPoint slides

  • Online Research Proposal Wizard

    Kathleen A. Stringer, Associate Professor, Clinical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, (stringek@umich.edu)

    Professor Stringer’s project focused on the development of an online research proposal wizard that systematically guides students in constructing logically organized proposals. This tool prompts users through the process of defining a research problem, composing a well-supported hypothesis, outlining objectives, and developing an appropriate study design. Each step of the process is supported by guiding rubrics, examples, and online feedback from faculty and peers.