What is the Graduate Student Instructional Consultants Program?
Graduate Student Instructional Consultants (GSICs) are a group of graduate students experienced in teaching who work with CRLT on activities designed to promote excellence in teaching at Michigan. The intent of the GSIC program is to provide GSIs access to experienced peer consultants for guidance and support in their important roles as teachers. While GSIs benefit greatly from mentoring in their home departments, the GSIC program provides GSIs with an additional source of support – providing a confidential place to explore teaching approaches and strategies and discuss teaching challenges. Any GSI can request a consultation with a Graduate Student Instructional Consultant by requesting a consultation through our website.
Current GSIC Profiles
Why become a GSIC?
By working with CRLT, GSICs have a unique opportunity to help advance teaching and learning across the university while continuing their own development as teachers. All GSICs receive training in consulting techniques from CRLT, including how to conduct classroom observations and midterm student feedback sessions. Additionally, GSICs meet regularly as a community to discuss and enhance their consulting approach and continue to build skills in fostering equity focused teaching practices. For participants, the GSIC Program at CRLT is both a part-time job as an instructional consultant and a professional development experience that introduces participants to the field of Educational Development.
“It's wonderful to have a job where you can help others become more effective teachers, and become a better teacher yourself in the process.” - GSIC
“The most valuable aspect of being a GSIC is being associated with a group of people who also value teaching and learning. In our GSIC meetings (and in my observations of other GSIs) I have many opportunities to learn more about university-level pedagogies and what may or may not work in my own experiences.” - GSIC
“The GSIC program provides a unique forum in which to think critically about pedagogical methods and related issues. Classroom observations offer the opportunity to consult with other instructors, and share practical strategies to improve the teaching and learning environment. As a result, being involved with the GSIC program has provided much insight into my own teaching, and the inspiration to try new approaches.” - GSIC
How to become a GSIC?
Graduate students from across the University are eligible to be GSICs. The selected candidate will have successful teaching experience at U-M, a demonstrated interest in working with others around teaching and pedagogy, and time in their schedules to accommodate 60-80 hours of work over the course of the academic year. The scheduling of hours is flexible based on the availability of the GSICs and the needs of the Center. The application process for hiring new GSICs runs from February to April. GSICs who are selected will begin work in August. If you are interested in applying about the GSIC program, please see our call for applications here. For questions about the GSIC program, please contact the GSIC Coordinators ([email protected]). Note that there is a separate process for interested candidates from the College of Engineering. If you are in Engineering, and interested in a position as an Engineering Teaching Consultant (ETC), please contact Dr. Audra Baleisis - [email protected]).